EIOPA update
– license will be soon updated to 1.3, will be more relaxed in favour of the taxo user
– schedule will be updated in the first week of December
– 2.1.0 will probably not need a corrective version probably, so no 2.1.1 planned
– probably an update on list of issues and validation list will follow
– adaptive release 2.2.0 will be made in spring 2017:
° bus rules and some changes on templates
° scheduled to be published in July with usual consultation round
– more info on 2.2.0 in a next conf call
– T4U will no longer be supported after June 2017, the tool is equipped with as final version 2.1.0
EBA update
– 2.6 is probably released to the public in the next few weeks. It’s making use of the extensible enumations spec
– 2.7 some new technicalities are being discussed internally at EBA. It will be impacted by IFRS9.
– an XEU working group is dedicated to Anacredit with on its wishlist proposing a EU standard
– at this moment nobody is using XBRL for this reporting, but experiments are ongoing with variants from the OIM
Feedback from Singapore
– 250 attendants, of which may known EU-faces, but mainly Asian attendants
– interesting sessions, also on blockchain and artificial intelligence
– regulators were sharing their experience, in general everything is going well, happy with the choice for XBRL.
Alessandro Bonara from ECB was there also sharing statistical info on the ECB implementation
Feedback from XII, standards board:
updating ext.enum spec (in the next weeks) to acommodate lists of items
update to table linkbase spec, more relevant for Asian taxonomies – minor changes
update to OIM, working draft on JSON spec and representation in a CSV-like format
update to formula spec to work with eg. subsets, also update in the formula syntax (‘easier to read, easier to write’)
Feedback from xbrl.es’ successfull conference, November 17:
110 registrations, speeches from XEU Chairman B. Tesniere, ECB F. Laurent
presentation available on xbrl.es
Upcoming events:
XBRL France conference 05.12.2016
XEU day: 17.02.2017, Amsterdam
XBRL Week 2017: 5-6-7 June, 2017, Frankfurt. will have an academic track, if enough papers are available. Centralize the contacts via Ignacio Boixo
Next conf call: January 26, 2017