EBA news
EBA 2.6 was published with the following relevant features:
° Table linkbase update (2014) and
° Extensible enumerations: the data type of the existing ei-elements were switched
° 2.6 is a complete standalone (where 2.5.1 was interlinking between versions)
° Functional changes in tables are only related to SBP
° There should be no table or definition differences in all the others.
° validation rules have been revised in general
° 3 rules use the severity spec for warnings
Note: if there would somewhere be a business reference to DPM, this should be interpreted for the time being as 2.6.0 until further notice.
EBA 2.7 Exposure Draft has been released for review by stakeholder (link)
Call for volunteers to examine this version!
It’s EBA’s intention to finish taxonomie 2.7 around April
EIOPA news
° Taxonomy 2.1.0 is live and being implemented in Europe
° EIOPA will not release a corrective release 2.1.1, therefore the next version will be the 2.2.0 by 15 July 2017
° there are a few issues which are related to TV0 (check between the content template and filing indicators), which will probably need to be deactivated. More news will follow via EIOPA site in the second half of February.
° ad hoc entry point: after analysis is seems that this is not used in practice.
° on the other hand, there are some specific cases where a different combination of tables is required (for example resubmission of template S.30 and empty reports), EIOPA is analysing the options and will publish how to report it for 2.0.1 and 2.1.0 taxonomies, probably using regular entry points and not the ad-hoc entry point
° FINREP data points taxo will have 12 tables, is being finalised as an extension on EBA 2.6 (3 entry points con_gaap, ind_gaap, ind_ifrs). These 12 tables are cut-down tables on existing tables.
Initiative about questionnaire (Vincent)
XEU day: 16.02.2017, Amsterdam
XBRL Week: 6-9 June, 2017, ECB premises, Frankfurt
Next conf call: February 23, 2017