1. CEN XBRL Project. See documents at http://www.eurofiling.info/cen/documents/
CONFIRMED INFORMAL CEN WS XBRL meeting: September 26th 10:00 – 16:30. Webinar available for offsite attending. Location Brussels.
New website (for comments) at www.eurofiling.info/cen based on a WordPress webengine, very easy and intuitive to edit; no training required. Editors/contributors are welcomed! An ID/password to be provided to volunteers at info@eurofiling.info
Business Plan See documents at new page http://www.eurofiling.info/cen/documents/
Data Point Modelling Discussions starting about dimensional modellisation are emerging differences between “pure abstract” vs “XBRL oriented” approaches.
See current DPM drafts at http://www.eurofiling.info/cen/datapointmodelling.
Events scheduling:
CONFIRMED INFORMAL CEN WS XBRL meeting: September 26th 10:00 – 16:30. Webinar available for offsite attending. Location Brussels.
Attendance: 4 voluntary convenors + 8 hired experts. Other voluntaries welcomed!. If you are interested in attending, please inform in advance to info@eurofiling.info for booking places.
Restrictions considered:
- CEN meeting with CEN WS representatives has been announced in Brussels, September 27th
- CEN WS work to start ASAP, thus requiring explanations to volunteers and hired experts.
- NEN would require time to formalize contracts with hired experts.
- September 24th and 25th EBA seminar on Data Analysis (for Supervisors only), dates confirmed.
- Yom Kippur: Sept. 25th 19:30 to Sept. 26th
- October 3rd bank holiday in Germany
TENTATIVE FORMAL CEN WS XBRL meeting: Last week of November 2012, Frankfurt. Morning: 10th XBRL Europe Day. Afternoon: WG meetings (including CEN WS XBRL). Next day: 16th Eurofiling Workshop and additional meetings.
FURTHER CEN WS XBRL meetings: Spring & Winter 2013, Spring 2014.
2. EBA news: No news.
3. EIOPA news: A proof of concept Solvency II taxonomy subset (3 templates) due to be published at the end of August. Tool for undertakings tender will then follows.
4. Taxonomy Architecture Guidance task force of XBRL International. See at http://www.eurofiling.info/cen/taxonomies
5. AOB The 2nd Annual XBRL US Challenge is a contest to discover the top open source analytical tools that can mine XBRL-formatted corporate financial data from the SEC’s EDGAR database. The contest will award a $20,000 Grand Prize to the top two teams – either as individuals or organizations – that submit the most useful and user-friendly application that conducts innovative analysis of public companies.
- Andreas Weller (EBA)
- Aitor Azcoaga (EIOPA)
- Bartosz Ochocki (Br-aG, PL)
- Eric Jarry (ACP – Bank of France)
- Pieter Maillard (Aguilonius, BE)
- Ignacio Santos (Bank of Spain)
- Pablo Navarro (Atos, ES)
- Masatomo Goto (Fujitsu, UK)
- Roland Hommes (Rhocon, NL)
- Peter Calvert (Calvr, UK)
- Derek De Brandt (XBRL EU)
- Katrin Heinze (Eurofiling coordinator)
- Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling coordinator)
APOLOGIES Joel Vicente (CoreFiling, UK)