1. CEN XBRL Project. New website (for comments) at www.eurofiling.info/cen
Business Plan Still waiting for endorsement from the European Commission (summer holidays in the authorization chain).
Data Point Modelling Katrin Heinze coordinating contributions. A webpage with the documents both in .docx and Google doc formats has been created at http://www.eurofiling.info/cen/datapointmodelling facilitating editorial collaboration.
Events scheduling: Depends on finalization of hiring process (see above)
2. EBA news: No relevant news awaited during summer holidays.
Please be informed that a press release regarding the finalization and implementation of the ITS on reporting has just been published on EBA website:
3. EIOPA news: A proof of concept Solvency II taxonomy subset (3 templates) due to be published in August.
4. Taxonomy Architecture Guidance task force of XBRL International. Draft contribution for COREP circulating.
5. AOB No more business
- Roland Hommes (Rhocon, NL)
- Ignacio Santos (Bank of Spain)
- Derek De Brandt (XBRL EU)
- Eric Jarry (ACP – Bank of France)
- Emile Bartolé (CSSF – Luxembourg)
- Pieter Maillard (Aguilonius, BE)
- Haiko Phillip (Cundus AG)
- Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling coordinator)
- Andreas Weller (EBA)
- Aitor Azcoaga (EIOPA)
- Joel Vicente (CoreFiling, UK)
- Katrin Heinze (Eurofiling coordinator)