1. EuroFiling initiative extra confcall objective: Allow stakeholders and interested parties to be directly informed about Eurofiling issues, and raise questions openly, in an (more or less) compatible word wide time zone.
2. CEN XBRL Project. See details at www.eurofiling.info/cen
Data Point Modeling (DPM) methodology is to used both in EBA and EIOPA, trying to share common dimensions as much as possible. See http://www.eurofiling.info/documents/CS-062_Data_Modelling.pdf
JEGR (Joint Expert Group on Reporting –ECB, EBA and EIOPA-) also to work with DPM. The DPM methodology is particularly adapted to reporting frameworks based on large tables interrelated.
3. European Banking Authority (EBA) news. Realistic test cases (lack of) has been an issue since the very beginning. Some technical test cases are available at http://www.eurofiling.info/corepTaxonomy/corep_taxonomy_documentation.shtml
As the COREP/FINREP implementation has been made at national level, no “pure European” business test cases are available. Efforts (unsuccessful) since 2005 to be contributed anonymously by test cases. See bottom figure of http://www.eurofiling.info/corepTaxonomy/preliminary_version.shtml (below).
4. European Insurance OP Authority (EIOPA) news: A “Reporting Tool for Undertakings” is to be tendered as a help for reporting entities and NSAs to use XBRL for Solvency II reporting. Open Source availability is not a must, but a highly desirable feature.
5. Taxonomy Architecture Guidance task force of XBRL International. On track.
6. AOB Next extra confcall on September 27th (last Thursday) 14:00 UTC. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?iso=20120927T16&p1=141&p2=165&p3=137&p4=240&p5=248&p6=33&p7=44&p8=676&p10=&p11=&p12=#loc-text
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- Tel Aviv (Israel) 16:00:00 IST UTC+2 hours
- Corresponding UTC (GMT) 14:00:00
- Hugh Wallis
- Justin Lai
- Oded Solomon
- Miho Saito
- Herm Fischer
- Peter Calvert
- Eric Cohen
- Haizhen Chen
- Aitor Azcoaga
- Ignacio Boixo