1. CEN XBRL Project
Final selection of participants with some internal discussions. The selection will be finalized by the end of this week. The criteria selection is taking into account distribution in several countries, sectors, expertise, etc.
Business Plan update
The official business plan is linked here . The topic is how to translate the business plan in specific deliverables. The business plan will include the Data Point Modelling (DPM), because EBA, EIOPA and others are implementing DPM. The rationale to include DPM in the business plan is to foster interoperable use of the DPM.
Data Point Modelling
Draft initial document “Cookbook on data point modelling” sent by Katrin Heinze, oriented to business experts. Volunteers: Katrin Heinze, Bartosz Ochocki and Ignacio Boixo.
Events scheduling
- XBRL events in Europe: October 23: Solvency II (Paris)
- 2013 May: XBRL Intl. Conference (Dublin)
- Possibility of XBRL EU event in December 2012-January 2013 in Brussels?
- XBRL EU General Assembly to be held before the end of June 2013.
Ignacio Boixo is in contact with Gilles Maguet and Derek De Brandt in order to organize the next two F2F meetings:
- a. CEN XBRL Project: 20-25 people. Date: September 2012 (tbd).
- b. EuroFiling Workshop: To present the COREP/FINREP 2012 taxonomies. Uncertainty: regulatory framework still no approved by the European Parliament.
2. EBA news: No news.
3. EIOPA news: No news.
4. Taxonomy Architecture Guidance task force of XBRL International: taxonomy questionnaire: To be distributed soon.
5. AOB. No more business.
- Aitor Azcoaga (EIOPA)
- Aftab Ahmad (The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway)
- Emile Bartolé (CSSF Luxembourg)
- Haizhen Chen (Bank of France)
- Ignacio Santos (Bank of Spain)
- Wladyslaw Krawiec (IFRS)
- Bartosz Ochocki (Br-aG, PL)
- Peter Calvert (Calvert Consulting, UK)
- Pieter Maillard (Aguilonius, BE)
- Idan Peleg (Tulip, IL)
- Masatomo Goto (Fujitsu, UK)
- Javi Mora (XBRL Spain)
- Katrin Heinze (Eurofiling coordinator)
- Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling coordinator)