1. CEN XBRL Project.
Planning: Experts to be ready after summer holidays (starting of work in practical terms). A face to face meeting to be organized by September/October. Work to be based as much as possible in the traditional open Eurofiling collaborative environment to attract volunteers and contributors, as well as early comments. Interaction with more formal (but more restrictive) CEN webspace to be defined.
Data Point Modelling: A number of Data Point Models are being created using the Data Point Modelling methodology (i.e. EBA. EIOPA, BSI-MIR, Integrated Reporting, Peru, Bermuda and so on). Data Point Modelling methodology would benefit of additional documentation, references and examples, in addition to the Eurofiling Data Point Model references at http://www.eurofiling.info/dpm/index.shtml Also a number of tools are available (XWand, ExGen) or in development (DPM Architect for XBRL). DPM would therefore useful at regional, domestic and international level.
The goal is to include DPM (if possible) in the CEN XBRL Project, with a timespan of two years. Katrin Heinze will start to elaborate/compile an input documentation to discussion in the face to face meeting in September. The past and current DPM developments are kindly encouraged to provide references to analyze the “state of the art” and define a potential way forward. It is clear that the medium/long term of this project (two years) will not be act as a brake for any current DPM project with short term deliverables.
2. EBA news No news. Discussion about A, B, C options closed
3. EIOPA news Proof of concept taxonomy by mid August.
4. Taxonomy Architecture Guidance task force of XBRL International: Taxonomy questionnaire. Eric Jarry to provide instructions and questionnaire for Eurofiling-related taxonomies.
5. AOB. As EBA / EIOPA taxonomies publication are scheduled around October (depending on European Parliament decisions), the 16th Eurofiling Workshop would be nice to be held late November or early December, depending on Parliament. Hosting offers would be more than welcomed!.
- Bartosk Ochocki (Br-aG, PL)
- Ronal Hommes (Rhocon, Netherland)
- Haiko Phillip (Cundus AG, DE)
- Wladyslaw Krawiec (IFRS)
- Haizhen Chen (Bank of France)
- Eric Jarry (Bank of France)
- Victor Morilla (Bank of Spain)
- Emile Bartolé (CSSF Luxembourg)
- Idan Peleg (Tulip, IL)
- Ignacio Santos (Bank of Spain)
- Derek De Brandt (XBRL EU)
- Katrin Heinze (Eurofiling coordinator)
- Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling coordinator)
Apologies: Andreas Weller (EBA), Joel Vicente (CoreFiling, UK), Aitor Azcoaga (EIOPA)