2022.06.29 minutes

General note: below minutes are written by Eurofiling and are not official statements by the mentioned organisations.

EBA update

Taxonomy 3.2:

Taxonomy 3.2 phase 2 was published beginning of June.

Taxonomy 3.2 phase 3 is being prepared; it will contain 4 modules on Remuneration: new modules for payment ratios are added.

The reporting population is extended to the Investment Firms.

The current plan is to publish the taxonomy in September, an internal working draft is expected to be circulated to NCA’s for testing by the end of July.

Entity types

Following the removal of the consolidation level from the entry point, the EBA is extending the current types of entity types (individual, consolidated and liquidity sub group) to include types for data aggregated to the country or regulator level.

The codes to be used will be defined in a new version of the EBA Filing Rules (5.2) which will be published soon.

The impact on reporting institutions is expected to minimal.

EIOPA update

EIOPA is processing the feedback received on the public working drafts for the 2.7 and 2.8 taxonomies.

Publication of the final version of the 2.7 taxonomy is expected to take place around 15 July. Version 2.8 without validation rules will follow at the end of July and the final version of 2.8 that includes validation rules will be publicly available in January of 2023.

SRB update

SRF taxonomy: internal tests are completed. Publication of the taxonomy (v8.x) is expected in July.

LDR taxonomy: ResRep v7.x will be built as an extension of EBA 3.2 and is expected to be published in September.

It will contain 4 entry points. SRB will use the same entity identification as foreseen by EBA but with a few additional possibilities because SRB has more types. (e.g. individual, individual other, consolidated, CON.POE)

One table will be extended to disallow a handful of datapoints which are open for reporting in the EBA RESOL framework.

ECB update

ECB is progressing with the SFRDP version 5.1 as an extension of the EBA FINREP taxonomy as usual. The new EBA approach on entity identification is also applied. The publication is expected for end of September.

ESMA update

ESMA is working on updating the ESEF reporting manual. in particular, as explained during the XBRL conference, we are working on providing guidance on block tagging the notes.


The Eurofilling online event on DPM Refit held on June 22th was a big success: 218 people attended. All presentations and video recordings are available on 2022.eurofiling.info

The OpenFiling assembly following the DPM Refit session was also successful. An eurofiling.wiki is created for best practises and topics of interest.

A face-2-face Eurofiling conference is being planned for after the summer, very likely end of October or November. The formalities are being started.

XBRL Netherlands organises an online event on 30/06 on who does what in the XBRL community; more information can be found in the XBRL newsletter or on Eurofiling website.

Any other business

There is no call in July, next call is at the last Wednesday in August.

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2022.05.25 minutes

Note: below minutes are written by Eurofiling and are not official statements by the mentioned organisations.

ESMA update

Following the update of the IFRS taxonomy on 24 March, ESMA is currently working on amending the ESEF RTS to be published asap and submit it to the European Commission to launch the EU approval process.

EBA update

EBA 3.2.p2 is expected to be published on or around June 3rd.

This release contains many frameworks as they needed to be updated to implement the removal of the consolidation level from the entrypoint.
The number of content changes is limited.

EBA 3.2 phase 3 will contain a significantly modified version of the Renumeration framework to accommodate reporting by investment firms as well.

More details on the identification of the reporting institution will be provided at the next call in June.

During the Eurofiling meeting on June 22, EBA will present the new taxonomy architecture in view of the DPM Refit approach.

One of the changes will be a technique to version hierarchies and enumerations.

EBA 3.2 contains a new “non-empty string” type; this type will be imposed from 30.06.2022 with the first IF reporting. As is part of dictionary, this restriction is placed also on submissions for other frameworks and on all resubmissions.

ECB update

ECB is working on a new version of SFRDP begin an extension of the EBA FINREP taxonomy as usual. More info on the publication timeline in the next call.

EIOPA update

EIOPA is expected to publish the public working draft for 2.7.0 which includes Solvency 2, IORP and PEPP at the beginning of June.

Around the same time, the second public working draft nr.2 for 2.8 is also expected, which includes elements stemming from the big review of Solvency II. This version will not include changes for IORP or PEPP, because they are covered by the 2.7 taxonomy.

SRB update

Regarding preparation for SRF 2023: taxonomy v8.x will be published in the course of July. ResRep v7.x will be built as an extension of EBA 3.2 expected to be published in September.


June 7: XBRL Switzerland: session on mandatory climate reporting

June 13 – 14: 30th XBRL Europe conference in Paris

June 22: EBA/EIOPA/Eurofiling webinar on the Data Point Model methodology and its evolution to the DPM Refit.

More info on next events are mentioned on the https://eurofiling.info/portal/events/.

A hands-on Eurofiling conference is being planned for after the summer

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2022.04.27 minutes

Note: below minutes are written by Eurofiling and are not official statements by the participants or their organisations.

EBA update
Taxonomy 3.2 phase 2 IWD1 has been distributed internally for review. Some minor comments have been reported.
According to the current plan, the BoS will receive the package for approval on 21.05.
Publication of the taxonomy 3.2 phase 2 is expected around June 10.
EBA 3.2 phase 3 will be published in September with only the REM framework.

ECB update
no update at this moment

EIOPA update
The consultation on IOPS reporting has been launched, the period lasts for 12 weeks until July 18.
Other consultations are running on the Solvency 2 package. In June, the second working drafts on 2.7 and 2.8 are expected to be published.
The taxonomy-meets-the-market webinar on April 6 received very positive feedback.

ESMA update
no update at this moment

SRB update
Regarding preparation for SRF 2023: taxonomy v8.x will be published in the course of July. ResRep v7.x will be built as an extension of EBA 3.2 , expected to be published in September.

Next events are mentioned on the https://eurofiling.info/portal/events/
The Eurofiling CEN described DPM was raised to the standard ISO 5116
Sustainability taxonomy of SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board)

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2022.03.30 minutes

EBA update

Release 3.2.phase 1 is published on 10 March 2022.

Also published on 10 March is small validation rules package. This taxonomy package updates the severity class (ERROR or WARNING) for a limited number of validation rules.

For this information EBA uses a special page on the website: Small validation rules packages | European Banking Authority (europa.eu).

EBA is currently working on 3.2.phase 2. It contains content updates for SBP, RES and FP frameworks. It also contains new modules for frameworks FINREP, COVID19, MREL, Notification and PAY without references to consolidation level (con/ind) and accounting system (ifrs/gaap) in the entrypoint.  An internal working draft version is planned to be shared with NCA’s for testing towards the end of April. Publication is planned for early June.

After 3.2.phase2 EBA will start work on phase3 which will contain an update for framework Renumeration. Publication is planned for September.

EBA is also working on the DPM Refit project, which will have an impact on the Eurofiling Taxonomy Architecture.

EIOPA update

At the end of February the first working draft of release 2.7.0 was published containing the reporting requirements for Solvency II, IORP and PEPP.

On June 1st a second working draft of release 2.7.0 is expected that will contain update to the reporting requirements and the validation rules.

In the beginning of April a first working draft of release 2.8.0 will be published, that reflects the big review of the reporting requirements.

A second working draft of 2.8.0 containing improvements to the structure is planned for the end of July or early August.

A third release scheduled for early 2023 will contain the validation rules for 2.8.0.

EIOPA will organise a taxonomy-meets-the-market webinar on April 6, register via the following link: https://www.eiopa.europa.eu/content/event-registration-form_en

ECB update

No developments compared to what was stated last month.

SRB update

Regarding preparation for SRF 2023: taxonomy v8.x will be published in the course of July. No big changes expected.

ResRep v7.x will be built as an extension of 3.2, with 4 modules (LDT, CFR, CIR and FMI) which is expected to be published in September.

People interested in the slides used at the last SRB ICT Network can contact Jean-Philippe Bohy at Jean-Philippe.BOHY[at]srb.europa.eu.


The ESEF Regulatory Technical Standards for 2022 was adopted by the European Parliament and subsequently published in the Official Journal on 7 March.
This means that the ESEF 2022 taxonomy can be used for filing as it enters into force on 27 March.

IASB has recently published the IFRS 2022 taxonomy on 24 March. ESMA is analysing the new version and considering amendments to the RTS and ESEF taxonomy.

The 2021 ESEF conformance suite and filing rules are available on the ESMA website.  Feedback on these documents is appreciated and will be used by ESMA to further improve them.


EIOPA meet the market on April 6.

XBRL-EU conference in Paris on June 13 and 14.


XBRL International has developed data quality rules for ESEF reporting using the XULE language (not XBRL Formula).

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2022.02.23 minutes

Eurofiling taxonomy update

Eurofiling has updated the Eurofiling taxonomy that is used in many DPM-style taxonomies like those from EBA, ECB, EIOPA, SRB and many national authorities to fix an error found in the current release (v1.1).

The error was introduced when changes were made to accommodate the new xBRL-CSV syntax.

The new version (1.2) contains henceforth two pivot variables which can be used to force XBRL processors to evaluate assertions for which no other fact variables were found than the Filing Indicators:

  • pivot-var: is restored in the original state to maintain backwards compatibility and further use when processing the xBRL-XML syntax
  • pivot-var-fi: this new variable is added to allow processing of XBRL reports in the xBRL-CSV syntax

For a taxonomy which wants to allow processing both the xBRL-XML and the xBRL-CSV syntax in parallel, assertions which need the pivot variable must point to both variables.

The new files can be downloaded from the Eurofiling website: https://www.eurofiling.info/taxonomypackage/1.2/TP-Eurofiling1.2.zip.

The individual files can be found at: https://eurofiling.info/portal/eurofiling-taxonomy-architecture-url-map/.

Eurofiling recommends to upgrade your XBRL systems to the most recent package.

EBA update

EBA will use the new pivot-var structure from Eurofiling.

EBA taxonomy 3.2 will be released in 3 parts.

EBA 3.2.p1 will be published in March containing update to frameworks COREP, IF,AE and GSII.

EBA 3.2.p2 will be published in June / July containing all other frameworks besides REM.

EBA 3.2.p3 will be published in September containing the REM framework, because of the legal timeline.


EBA 3.2 uses a new datatype that prohibits empty typed members.


EBA may provide a solely technical update to EBA 3.1 and EBA 3.0 to address updates to severity level of validation rules.


ECB update

The ECB will start work on a new version of the supervisory financial reporting data points (SFRDP) once the EBA 3.2.pe (FINREP) is published.

ECB will follow the approach of the EBA with regards to recording of the consolidation level.


ESMA update

ESMA will start work on a new release of the ESEF taxonomy once the IFRS update is available (expected in March 2022).

The formal approval (and publication in the Official Journal) of the 2021 ESEF Regulatory Technical Standard (RTS)  – containing the 2021 ESEF taxonomy – is still pending. The European Parliament’s scrutiny period on the ESEF RTS ends at the end of the month. Afterwards, the 2021 ESEF RTS needs to be published in the Official Journal and will enter into force 20 days after publication.

Therefore institutions that need to publish their Annual Financial Reports must use the 2020 ESEF taxonomy version, which is based on 2020 IFRS taxonomy.

Following adoption of the “Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act” (HFCAA) introducing requirements regarding the identification of auditors, The SEC is requiring filers to use the 2021 version of the IFRS taxonomy due to compatibility reasons with the updated Document and Entity Information (DEI) Taxonomy. Otherwise, their filings will get suspended.

This might force organisations that are dual listed (EU/US) to create two versions of the statements: one for EU using the 2020 ESEF (and 2020 IFRS taxonomy) and another for the US using the 2021 IFRS taxonomy.

EIOPA update

No update.

SRB update

No update.


22/23 March: BIS Innovation Hub gathering.

26 April: sustainability summit in London (by invitation only).


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2022.01.26 minutes

EBA update

No update.

ECB update

ECB is waiting for the EBA 3.2 taxonomy to create its extension on FINREP.

The ECB will follow the approach of EBA regarding consolidation level.

ESMA update

The ESEF regulation adopted in November of 2021 is currently undergoing review by the European Parliament.

Approval is expected by March of 2022.

That means institutions that file their Annual Financial Reports before approval and enter into force of the new ESEF Regulation must use the 2020 version of the ESEF taxonomy.

ESMA is following the IFRS work on the adoption of the IFRS 2022 taxonomy to be ready to incorporate the updates into the 2022 version of the ESEF taxonomy.

ESMA will look into a question by an participant regarding deprecated concepts in the IFRS.

EIOPA update

EIOPA’S Taxonomy releases calendar is being updated in our website this week to include the following:

  • 7.0 time schedule (limited amendments foreseen)
    • 28 February 22: S2, PF, PEPP PR and PEPP KID Taxonomy 2.7.0 PWD1
    • 01 June 22: S2, PF, PEPP PR and PEPP KID Taxonomy 2.7.0 PWD2
    • 15 July 22: S2, PF, PEPP Prudential and PEPP KID Taxonomy 2.7.0
    • 2 November 22: Insurance S2, Pension Funds, PEPP Prudential and PEPP KID Taxonomy 2.7.0 hotfix
  • 8.0 time schedule (big review SII, PF amendments and timeline of review still under discussion)
    • 01 April 22 – S2 Taxonomy 2.8.0 PWD1
    • 01 June 22 – S2 Taxonomy 2.8.0 PWD2
    • 01 August (tentative) – S2 Taxonomy 2.8.0 PWD3
    • January 23 – S2, PF, PEPP Prudential and PEPP KID Taxonomy 2.8.0
    • March 23 – S2, PF, PEPP Prudential and PEPP KID Taxonomy 2.8.0 Hotfix

SRB update

No change since the last update shared in November 2021.

That means that:

  • SRF collection will be over by 31 January 2022.
  • The SRF 2023 cycle taxonomy will be published in July 2022.
  • ResRep collection will start in March 2022.
  • The ResRep 2023 cycle taxonomy will be based on top of EBA3.2


EU Open Source Policy Summit on 4 February 2022 (Brussels and online).

This year’s agenda will be packed with discussions on the most burning digital policy questions and will put open source in a broader European and global technological context.

More info on https://eurofiling.info/portal/

Any other business


Feedback is requested on this white paper by the XBRL Europe ESG/Sustainability working group until 15 February 2022.

The open source XBRL application Arelle has become the property of Workiva.

Press release of Workiva on the acquisition: Workiva Inc. – Workiva Inc. Reinforces Its Global XBRL Leadership Commitment With Acquisition of the Arelle® XBRL® Validation Platform


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2021.11.24 minutes

SRB update

ResRep is published end of September, available on the public website. End of October, a new version of the taxonomy package was published to add some missing files from XBRL.org. The portal will open in March 2022.

The SRF taxonomy was published at the end of July. The portal is open and some templates are already received.

The problems in the 2021 version of CIR encountered by some software application have been addressed in the 2022 release.

SRB will follow the EBA in removing the consolidation level from the entry points and use the same approach as EBA to include it in the reporting subject.

EBA update

Taxonomy 3.1 (current);

– no changes to formula severity class expected, therefore no micro taxonomy will be released in December 2021.

Taxonomy 3.2 is being developed:

– phase 1: original planning to publish in December will shift into January/February (COREP AE IF GSII frameworks).

– phase 2: all other frameworks are included to remove the CON and IND component in the entry point and include xBRL-CSV metadata. Expected in May 2022.

– phase 3: contains REM framework, phase added because the ITS/GL will be only available in June 2022. Expected towards September 2022. First reference date is December 2022, to be received by EBA in August of 2023.

The TFERF (Task Force on Evolving the Reporting Format) is reopened after last year’s first edition which resulted in the decision to move to the OIM.

This second edition will focus on the formula validation aspects when using the xBRL-CSV format.

EBA has published a new version of the filing rules in line with new specifications applying as from December 2022.

EIOPA update

The SII taxonomy hotfix was published on November 3 to fix some validation rules.

EIOPA is reconsidering when to implement the changes coming from the big review for SII.

Those big amendments might be implemented in version 2.8.0, making 2.7.0 a regular release.

Publication of 2.8.0 would come with 2.7.0 in July of 2022 which would give the industry 18 months to prepare.

For pensions, the amendments to the reporting package would need to be implemented at the earliest in 2.8.0. Discussions are currently ongoing on the content of the reporting.

PEPP will be integrated in the Solvency II and Pensions reporting as well as a standalone report. All will be included in 2.7.0 and a first PWD can be expected around the end of March.

EIOPA is looking into the benefits of the xBRL-CSV format in collaboration with the other ESA’s and the NCA’s.

ECB update

The ECB will follow the EBA in removing the consolidation level from the taxonomy.

ESMA: no update


Eurofiling organizes a virtual event on December 7th.


  • Traditional end of year celebration celebration ceremony, honouring with an Eurofiling award Anna Sciortino for the successful ESEF work.
  • ESEF opportunities
  • Openfiling.org is updated with new open source material on eg. mapping balance sheet information and how to consume ESEF publications in XBRL.
  • XBRL International repository of ESEF filings
  • Sustainability reporting
  • ISO standard for Data Point Modelling
  • New xBRL specifications at Recommendation level.

XBRL Spain will organize a face-to-face event in Spanish on the 14th of December on similar topics.

Next call

Next call in January, no call in December as usual.

Merry Christmas days!

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2021.10.27 minutes

EBA update

Filing rules v5.1 was published on 19 October on Reporting framework 3.2 | European Banking Authority (europa.eu) to improve two rules:

  1. Modify rule 1.6 to simplify the usage of filing indicator by removing the option “empty filing indicator”. This updated rule must be followed from 2023-01-01 for all the submissions and resubmissions.
  2. Modify rule 3.6 to improve CON/IND information circulation and to allow for multiple consolidation levels for an entity, CON/IND is being moved from module name to reporting subjects from reference date 31/12/2022 onwards.

We are now reopening TFERF (taskforce for evolving reporting format) with NCAs and XBRL international to improve the Formula specification and to define the timeline to mandate the csv format.

3.2 phase1 is in development (COREP, AE, GSII, IF), aim to have draft review in December.

ECB update

No updates reported.

EIOPA update

Preparation and publication of 2.6.0 Hot Fix (Corrective release for insurance and pensions). Only includes changes to the validations. This will be published on Wednesday 3 November 2021.

Public consultation on 2021 ITS on reporting/disclosure ended on 17 Oct, EIOPA starts working on draft annotated templates until mid-December before start preparation of the  2.7.0 releases. First Public Working Draft foreseen to be published in February 2022 (one quarter earlier than usually).

On PEPP, EIOPA will continue working during next two months on taxonomy and annotated Templates for 2.5.1 PEPP Prudential as well as on the inclusion of PEPP reporting in the insurance and IORPs reporting.

EIOPA is in the process to assess, together with NCA’s, the need and readiness for using the xBRL-CSV format for data collection.

ESMA update

ESMA is changing the staff working on ESEF.

That staff is working on finalizing the 2021 taxonomy files and conformance suite. The taxonomy will be based on the IFRS 2021 taxonomy.

Publication and use depends on approval by the European Co-legislators of the relevant delegated act. This approval is expected by February of 2022.

Entities that want to report before approval is given, can use the current version of the taxonomy.

SRB update

Single Resolution Fund data collection:

Portal will be open beginning of November for testing purposes by NRAs.

Resolution data collection:

The “complete” taxonomy package provided by SRB was missing a couple of files owned by XBRL International. These have been added. Nothing changed in the SRB taxonomy itself.

The portal will be open for testing by NRAs in the beginning of February 2022; go-live in production is always one month later than the testing portal.

SRB has issued filing rules for Impracticability reporting: https://www.srb.europa.eu/system/files/media/document/SRB%20XBRL%20Filing%20rules%20for%20the%202021%20notification%20of%20impracticability%20of%20bail-in%20v.1.1.pdf.

SRB is ready to receive reporting of notifications and of MREL/TLAC.

SRB is considering accepting xBRL-CSV reporting from NRA’s from 2023 onwards and moving to xBRL-CSV completely by 2024, depending on timely publication on updated specifications.

Events update

Xbrl Europe organizes the 29th XBRL Europe Digital week from 22 to 24 November 2021.

Eurofiling organizes a virtual conference titled “Extending ESEF opportunities” on 7 December 2021 that will also address the new ISO standard 5116 for DPM and sustainability reporting.

XBRL International virtual conference is postponed to Q1 of 2022.

For more information see the 2021.eurofiling.info website

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2021.09.29 minutes

EBA update


Taxonomy 3.1.p2 is published in July.

Taxonomy 3.2 will come in 2 phases: 3.2.p1 in December 2021, 3.2.p2 in May 2022 (provisional planning)

3.2.p1 will contain updates for frameworks COREP, IF, AE, G-SII. The updates for COREP will address the issues identified in release 3.1. COREP-ALMM is expected to change significantly

3.2.p2 will contain updates for frameworks SBP and REN.


COREP-NSFR: the Sub Group on Reporting discussed the impact of the unintended duplication of data point definitions. A fix would require a new release of the 3.1 framework. The impact of that (e.g. delay of 3.2) is considered to be too big.

Filing Rules

EBA will change filing rules 1.6 (filing indicators) and 3.6 (reporting subject identification), the document is currently being reviewed by NCAs (xBRL subgroup)

These changes will come into effect as of 1 Jan 2023 with the applicability (for most frameworks) of EBA 3.2.

EBA 1.6: all filing indicators must be reported, either with a positive of negative value, applicable from 01 Jan 2023 for all the submissions and resubmissions.

EBA 3.6: the consolidation level must be included in the reporting subject, applicable from the reference date 31 12 2022 onwards.

This means that the consolidation level will no longer be included in the module , as is currently done for most frameworks.

EBA 3.2.p2 will therefore contain new versions of frameworks FINREP, RES, COVID19, PAY and MREL to only change the module name, no content changes.


EBA intends to mandate the use of the xBRL-CSV format as of 1 January 2024, assuming readiness of specifications and availability of software solutions. EBA will monitor this closely and adapt if necessary.

ECB update

No changes expected in 2022 for the ECB taxonomies.

EIOPA update

Solvency II 2.6.0 for insurers and pension funds is published.

PEPP 2.6.1 is published

EIOPA plans to provides updates to the validation rules on a monthly basis.

For SII release 2.7 for insurers two working drafts will be published. In February 2022 a version containing the reporting requirements. The second version published in June will contain the validation rules and any improvements following comments on the February release. As usual a final release will follow in July and, in applicable, a hotfix later in the year (October).

For SII release 2.7 for pension funds a significant update is expected. This to improve alignment to SII for insurers, add new business rules and other goals. A consultation on the changes will be held in December of 2021. A draft taxonomy will follow in June. The final version will come in July and a hotfix (if needed) later in the year, just as is done for SII for insurers.

The hotfix for SII v2.6.0 contains only minor fixes.

ESMA update

No update from ESMA.

SRB update

SRF taxonomy v7.0.2 is publicly available: https://www.srb.europa.eu/en/content/2022-srf-levies-ex-ante-contributions

RES taxonomy v6.0.3, based on EBA 3.1, is ready for publication.

It contains additional entry points and validation rules, but no additional data points when compared to the EBA taxonomy.

Samples are available, including files that comply to all validation rules.

Events update

November 16 – 18: XBRL International virtual conference.

November 22 – 24: XBRL Europe ESEF week (virtual)

December 2021: Eurofiling session on free tools for ESEF and the ISO standard for Data Point Modelling.


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2021.08.31 minutes

EBA update

The package 3.1.phase 2 was published on 7 July including

  • Resolution taxonomy version 1.2.0 with JSON meta data to support csv format.
  • SBP taxonomy version 1.2.0 with JSON meta data to support csv format.
  • IF taxonomy 1.1.0 hotfix with the correctly only on the JSON meta data following the feedback received after the publication of 3.1 phase 1.

EBA will start to develop 3.2 after the summer holidays.

ECB update

No update

EIOPA update

EIOPA taxonomy 2.6.0 for insurers and pension funds was published on July 15th as scheduled.

The PEPP taxonomy was published in August.

Daniel Perez will take over from Aitor Azcoaga from next call.

SRB update

SRF taxonomy 7.0.2 is now available to NRAs on Darwin.

Res extension 6.x.x on top of EBA3.1 is under construction and will be ready by End of Sep as committed.

ESMA update

ESMA is developing the 2021 ESEF taxonomy and conformance suite, which will be published after the EC adopts the regulation. This is expected to happen in November after the translations are completed. This means that publication is expected for the end of the year, with a small risk that it will take place in the beginning of 2022.

Any other business

The Data Point Modeling methodology was recently adopted as ISO standard, after the work conducted in the CEN Workshop which delivered the DPM as a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) in 2014. Volunteers are sought to update the standard incorporating developments since 2014. More info on the Eurofiling website: DPM published as official ISO 5116 standard | Eurofiling.


A session on the ESEF 2021 taxonomy is scheduled for November 16th.

Furthermore a Central Balance Sheet Offices event is being planned with open source tools made available via Openfiling.

European Commission is working on the yearly update of the ICT Rolling Plan, a call for participation will follow and please feel free to provide comments.

Next call on Wednesday 29 September 2021 at 10:30 CEST.

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