2022.06.29 minutes

General note: below minutes are written by Eurofiling and are not official statements by the mentioned organisations.

EBA update

Taxonomy 3.2:

Taxonomy 3.2 phase 2 was published beginning of June.

Taxonomy 3.2 phase 3 is being prepared; it will contain 4 modules on Remuneration: new modules for payment ratios are added.

The reporting population is extended to the Investment Firms.

The current plan is to publish the taxonomy in September, an internal working draft is expected to be circulated to NCA’s for testing by the end of July.

Entity types

Following the removal of the consolidation level from the entry point, the EBA is extending the current types of entity types (individual, consolidated and liquidity sub group) to include types for data aggregated to the country or regulator level.

The codes to be used will be defined in a new version of the EBA Filing Rules (5.2) which will be published soon.

The impact on reporting institutions is expected to minimal.

EIOPA update

EIOPA is processing the feedback received on the public working drafts for the 2.7 and 2.8 taxonomies.

Publication of the final version of the 2.7 taxonomy is expected to take place around 15 July. Version 2.8 without validation rules will follow at the end of July and the final version of 2.8 that includes validation rules will be publicly available in January of 2023.

SRB update

SRF taxonomy: internal tests are completed. Publication of the taxonomy (v8.x) is expected in July.

LDR taxonomy: ResRep v7.x will be built as an extension of EBA 3.2 and is expected to be published in September.

It will contain 4 entry points. SRB will use the same entity identification as foreseen by EBA but with a few additional possibilities because SRB has more types. (e.g. individual, individual other, consolidated, CON.POE)

One table will be extended to disallow a handful of datapoints which are open for reporting in the EBA RESOL framework.

ECB update

ECB is progressing with the SFRDP version 5.1 as an extension of the EBA FINREP taxonomy as usual. The new EBA approach on entity identification is also applied. The publication is expected for end of September.

ESMA update

ESMA is working on updating the ESEF reporting manual. in particular, as explained during the XBRL conference, we are working on providing guidance on block tagging the notes.


The Eurofilling online event on DPM Refit held on June 22th was a big success: 218 people attended. All presentations and video recordings are available on 2022.eurofiling.info

The OpenFiling assembly following the DPM Refit session was also successful. An eurofiling.wiki is created for best practises and topics of interest.

A face-2-face Eurofiling conference is being planned for after the summer, very likely end of October or November. The formalities are being started.

XBRL Netherlands organises an online event on 30/06 on who does what in the XBRL community; more information can be found in the XBRL newsletter or on Eurofiling website.

Any other business

There is no call in July, next call is at the last Wednesday in August.

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