2023.04.26 minutes

General note: below minutes are written by Eurofiling and are not official statements by the mentioned organisations.

EBA update

The planning for taxonomy 3.3 is to publish in several phases.

A discussion is held on the additional checks, implemented by the ECB. These are separate from the EBA taxonomy due to a difference in legal scope of application.

ECB update

ECB will publish an update to the SFRDP taxonomy version 5.1 based on FINREP published by EBA.

SRB update

no update

EIOPA update

EIOPA is finalising the Pension funds 2.9.0 taxonomy. An internal working draft will be shared with members next week and EIOPA plans to publish the public working draft on 15 May for consultation.

Working meetings with members are started regarding the use of CSV files, though it will not be mandatory for EIOPA, but additional option.

The new XBRL architecture derived from the DPM Refit project will be published soon.

ESMA update

ESMA published the activity report that includes a section on the application of ESEF and what NCQs has been receiving on the 2021 financial reports. The results were quite good.

A discussion is held on the Sustainability taxonomy and related aspects. EFRAG is finalising a first draft ERSF taxonomy.

Events update

1) XBRL Europe is organising a face to face event in Rome 22-23 May, more information at http://www.xbrleurope.org/

2) Eurofiling Workshop at ECB in Frankfurt, 13-14 June: please do not forget to register! Limited seats.

Event website and registration: https://2023.eurofiling.info/registration

A rapid fire session is included to allow innovative solutions to present themselves.

3) XBRL International conference in October (Data Amplified).


XBRL International is working on a draft taxonomy for currencies and countries.

Eurofiling colleagues have looked at the first ideas and it is observed that this taxonomy will – if used – likely be extended because besides countries, also regions and other geographical clusters are needed for various types of reporting.

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