General note: below minutes are written by Eurofiling and are not official statements by the mentioned organisations.
EBA update
Release 3.3 will be delivered in 3 phases.
A draft for 3.3.p1 will be sent to NCA’s for review at the end of the month. Publication is expected for early May. It will contain 3 new frameworks: Pillar 3, ESG and Intermediate Parent Undertaking. Phase 2 will contain a new version of framework SBP and be available in July. Phase 3 will contain a new version of framework MREL/TLAC and be available in October.
EBA and EIOPA have developed a new architecture for taxonomies implementing DPM Refit.
This new architecture has been reviewed by the EBA XBRL SubGroup.
A public review is planned for April. The document will be accompanied by a sample taxonomy and report.
The first use of the new architecture is planned for release 3.4, but might be delayed to release 4.0.
XBRL International has given an update to the EBA XBRL SubGroup and IT Sounding Board on the development of new specifications of Formula.
Those developments are in line with the plans outlined by EBA to switch completely to xBRL-CSV as of reference period December 2025.
A discussion was held on pros and cons of the structure of the xBRL-CSV files that EBA uses.
A participant mentioned that the Bank & Insurance Working Group of XBRL EU is investigating a new, more performant and more readable way to formulate validation rules.
ECB update
No update
SRB update
Update received via email: there is no specific news from SRB on the taxonomy part. See previous minutes for the planned release dates this year.
EIOPA update
The hotfix for release 2.8 of Solvency II will be published in September.
The extensive feedback received from the public on the Pension Funds taxonomy will be incorporated in release 2.9 of that taxonomy expected for mid July.
EIOPA is currently reviewing the proposed XBRL taxonomy architecture (see also the EBA remarks) in the ITDC.
The new architecture will be implemented starting from the 2025 reporting cycle.
ESMA update
No update.
Other topics
EFRAG will publish the ESRS taxonomy in the 2nd half of April with illustrated examples of reports.
- XBRL Europ conference in Rome, Italy on 22 and 23 May 2023.
- 28th Eurofiling Workshop in Frankfurt, Germany hosted by the European Central Bank on 13 and 14 June 2023
- XBRL Int. Data Amplified in Zurich Switzerland on 16 and 17 October 2023.
See the Eurofiling website for up to date information.