• published on 4 Feb 2020
• 2.10 phase 1 IW1 was published last Friday internally for XBRL subgroup review including Payment, Remuneration and Funding plan
• 2.10. Phase 1 will be published at the end of March
• 2.10.phase 2 is planned to be published in June including Resolution, FRTB (fundamental review of trading book) and SBP
• Ongoing TFERF: 3 working groups, taxonomy, instance and validations rules
Other comments, made during the call:
• EBA plans to provide different entry points for consolidated and solo reporting as was done for 2.9 and prior. The integration into a single entry point is still under consideration.
• TFERF working group on validation rules aims to provide requirements to XBRL international to improve the specifications
This working group could use examples of validation rules that cause problems in processing.
Responses can be send to the Eurofiling mailing group and be picked up by members of the working group.
Comments from ECB:
• ECB is finalising SFRDP 4.0.0 taxonomy based on the latest changes made by the EBA in DPM
• It will be made public once the necessary changes in the ECB regulation are published.
Comments from EIOPA:
• EIOPA opened on 5 Feb 2020 a public consultation for the review of the technical means. The consultation will close on 20 Apr 2020 and you can find more information on this link: https://www.eiopa.europa.eu/content/review-technical-implementation-means-package-solvency-2-supervisory-reporting-and-public
• EIOPA will publish as every year on 15 July the new taxonomy version. In this case 2.5.0 for Solvency 2 and for Pension Funds. However, for Solvency 2 this year the changes will be only technical corrections as the regulation is not amended.
• An ITDC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 27th May in Frankfurt. EIOPA is looking for an alternative day / location that would allow people to attend both.
Comments from ESMA:
• ESMA is waiting for the IFRS 2020 taxonomy to update the ESEF taxonomy accordingly. No other updates to the ESEF taxonomy are planned for this year.
Other comments, made during the call:
• There is a special page on the Eurofiling website about software suitable for ESEF: https://eurofiling.info/portal/ixbrl-solutions/
Comments from SRB:
• SRF collection portal is now closed.
SRB has received all the data (3.000 files from the institutions via the NRAs) and processing of the data is starting.
• Resolution collection portal will be open on 2 March 2020.
The SRB will collect the SIs data (LDR, CFR, FMIR and CIR on resolution) using the RES4.0.3 SRB taxonomy and will collect the LSIs data (CIR) using RES1.1.0 EBA taxonomy
Other comments, made during the call:
• There are some labels in the SRF taxonomy with texts like “auto complete. Do not fill in”. These labels were included in the taxonomy to be compliant with the official legal template, since the SRB itself uses the taxonomy as sole rendering resource for its collection system.
Eurofiling conference
Comments from organisation committee:
• All info is available on https://2020.eurofiling.info/
• Conference might be postponed because of the corona virus outbreak.
• On Monday 26 May there will be meet-the-market events by ESMA and EIOPA and working group session for EBA (TFERF).
• Speakers are welcome, please contact the organisation via info@eurofiling.info,
Other comments, made during the call:
• EIOPA ITDC is scheduled for Tuesday 27 May in Frankfurt.
Other events:
Comments made the call:
• XBRL NL, with AFM and NBA, is organising two sessions in March on ESEF that are drawing a lot of interest from reporters, auditors and software & service providers . One session (70 people) is already sold out. More info (in Dutch) on https://nl.xbrl.org/events/esef-bijeenkomst/.
There is also a page on software suitable for DPM style reporting as used for EBA, ECB, EIOPA and SRB on the Eurofiling website: https://eurofiling.info/portal/xbrl-solutions/