Minutes June 26, 2019

Call was attended by 21 people from 8 countries.

► EBA update

EBA will check the information on availability and starting dates of the 2.9 frameworks listed in the presentation given at the Eurofiling conference and update them if necessary.

EBA 2.9.2 containing SPB and Finrep will (most likely) be available from 9 August 2019 with a review version send to NCA’s around 22 July 2019.

2.9.2 SBP IMV will be applicable from reference date 26 September 2019.

A replacement for Owen Jones has been found: Haizhen Chen will join as of July 1st.

EBA would like to start soon to discuss the 3.0 technical format evolutions as explained during the Eurofiling conference and welcomes the community to share experiences.

► ECB no specific update

► EIOPA update


The final SII taxonomy version 2.4.0 will be ready by 15 July 2019 and will be applicable from 31 December 2019.

Exceptions may apply for undertakings with a fiscal year different from the calendar year.

Feedback on 2.4.0 is welcomed by EIOPA until the end of this month.

Pension funds:

No update is scheduled. The current taxonomy 2.3.0 remains in effect.

Next major release will be version 2.5.0.

New regulation ‘Pan European Pension Products’ will trigger new reporting obligations in about two years’ time.

► ESMA no specific update

► SRB update

Two data collection systems in place:

  1. Liability Data, Critical Functions, Financial Market Infrastructure and Commission Implementation Regulation: taxonomy will be ready in September. A draft will be shared beforehand, expected mid July 2019.
  2. SRF data to calculate the contributions by the banks to the resolution fund. The taxonomy is scheduled for publication at the end of July.

The CMT taxonomy mentioned in the slides used at the Eurofiling conference is an internal taxonomy that described data shared between NRA’s and the SRB.

This data will be transferred through the portal using either an Excel or XBRL document based on this taxonomy.

► (Upcoming) events

The slides used to support the presentations at the Eurofiling conference are uploaded to the website.

Please visit http://2019.eurofiling.info/mon-17, http://2019.eurofiling.info/tue-18 or http://2019.eurofiling.info/wed-19 and click on the name of the session to download them as PDF document.

XBRL conference in Shanghai https://www.dataamplified.org/ 22 – 24 October 2019.

► next call

Next call will on 28 August 2019 on 10:30 AMS time.

No call in July due to summer holidays.

► conference call numbers

It has been brought to our attention (thank you Carlos) that the conference call number for France was incorrect.

That has been corrected on the website.

If any participant notices a wrong number on http://minutes.eurofiling.info/facility/, please inform us so we can update the website and either correct or remove the incorrect number.

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