Minutes September 27, 2017

EBA update

2.6 doubtful update on validation rules
– a number of assertions are not working as expected. Some countries (LU, FR, NL, PT, DE,..?) decided to deactivate on their own initiative these assertions
– EBA has blacklisted a few of them in the last weeks
– the group has circulated last month for info the lists it has from various countries

2.7 are equally doubtful, being more and more tested now.
– Eg. v4776 is still problematic in 2.7
– blacklist update is likely to be expected from EBA

The NRA’s need to escalate the problematic assertions with the IT departement of EBA.
Expert Group on Data Quality meets next week, NRAs will make the necessary communication to the Group.
eg. v4776_m is listed as doubtful in 2.6 and has the same problem in 2.7

EBA has announced to collaborate with SRB on a new “resolution taxonomy”

SRB has made a Filing Rules update, referring to the EBA filing rules with a few remarks specific for Resolution filing.

Eurofiling will include a comment in its taxonomy files with “last updated on ..”

EIOPA update

a meeting took place last week, the issues were discussed (v137, ISIN checks, schema locations, eurofiling model.xsd schema, ..) and EIOPA is considering measures to remediate.

ESMA has published a consultation about its filing manual and the ESEF format.
ESMA will publish technical aspects before the end of the year.

SRB has published the EAC taxonomy version 3.0.1 for filings in January 2018.
The LDT taxonomy will probably follow in the course of November for expected filing in May 2018.

ECB update
ECB has published the 2.7 datapoints taxonomy.

ECB organised a BIRD meeting on September 25. The BIRD project continues with a non-formal commitment agenda to develop ao. the FINREP data sets. First quarter for next year is one of updating BIRD materials.

Feedback from the XBRL FR conference: was a success and presentations are online with XBRL FR site.

Upcoming events.
Eurofiling 24th Workshop dedicated to TODE
SDMX conference in Ethiopia
XBRL International conference ‘Data Amplified’

update of software vendor list – will be discussed in Madrid during the TODE conference

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