1. EBA news.
(Ignacio) EBA XBRL subgroup has been informed about the initiative of XBRL Europe on promoting XBRL as “identified European Standard“. The XBRL standard is particularly relevant in this framework, as all and each one of the National Competent Authorities should report to the EBA about selected Credit Institutions using the XBRL taxonomies for COREP/FINREP. This second level supply chain is in XBRL, irrespective of the format used locally for primary reporting between Credit Institutions and National Competent Authorities. In this context, it has been suggested to kindly ask to vendors/consultants to share their experiences in the XBRL week in Rome.
2. EIOPA news.
Technical Public Consultation: (Aitor/Maria) The latest release of EIOPA XBRL Taxonomy available includes a Proof of Concept for MD Open Tables. The deadline for providing useful feedback related to the PoC was 24th February 2014, but has been extended to 10th March 2014.
Please contact xbrl@eiopa.europa.eu if you need any further clarification.
(Aitor) EIOPA is developing a tool for undertakings (data entry to XBRL), probably Open Source (EUPL license) to be presented in Rome.
Codification that are defined by ISO standards use the URL scheme defined by RFC 5141, followed by the code. Examples : LEI -> http://standard.iso.org/iso/17442/{LEI code}; ISIN -> http://standard.iso.org/iso/6166/{ISIN code}
Codifications that are not defined by an ISO standard use an URL (on Eurofiling domain), with the following format: http://codes.eurofiling.info/{code type}/{code}
The Eurofiling site may provide explanation at the address: http://codes.eurofiling.info/{code type}
3. ESMA’s ESEF (European Single Electronic Format).
4. CEN WS XBRL Project and Standards/Practices.
(Ignacio) Kisk off Confcall about the initiative of XBRL Europe on promoting XBRL as “identified European Standard” on Friday 28th, 11:00 CET, using local number of www.powwownow.com with PIN 563483.
The initiative has been also presented to the CEN e-business Coordination Group.
(Eric) Open workspace for Large Instance Processing topics in construction at http://wikixbrl.info/index.php?title=LargeInstanceProcessing
5. Events and AOB.
(REGISTRATION OPEN) 13 XBRL EU Day & 19 Eurofiling . May 5, 6, 7. Rome.
Track of non-financial reporting ongoing: Public Sector, Climate Disclosure, Microfinance, Integrated Reporting. Open Data Institute to participate.
1. EBA, EIOPA, ESMA (ESEF), ECB technical information
2. Experiences with new COREP/FINREP:
A. NCAs traditionally XBRL practitioners (DE, FR, LU?)
B. NCAs now involved in XBRL as well as their reporting entities (UK, PT?)
C. NCAs now involved in XBRL but not their reporting entities (CY, HR?)
D. Reporting Entities
E. Vendors
F. Consultants
3. Standards for Transparency and Open Data
A. Data Act.
B. Microfinance
C. Environment
D. Other non-financial
E. Open Data
4. Specialized sessions:
A. Extension of EBA/EIOPA Taxonomies
B. Error handling
C. Large Instance Processing
D. Identification of Entities
E. Validations based in DPM
[2014-06-09 to 11] 26 International XBRL Conference Orlando (Florida)
Aftab Ahmad (FSA, Norway)
Aitor Azcoaga (EIOPA)
Emile Bartolé (CSSF, LU)
Eric Jarry (Bank of France, FR)
Haizhen Chen (Bank of France, FR)
Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling coordinator)
Ignacio Santos (Bank of Spain, ES)
Joel Vicente (CoreFiling, UK)
Maria Frantzi (EIOPA)
Martin DeVille (UBPartner)
Venkat. Sambandan (Deloitte, NL)
Wladyslaw Krawiec (IFRS)