1. EBA news.
(Ignacio) EBA is preparing a public consultation about the version 2.1 of the COREP/FINREP XBRL taxonomies. The main change is the inclusion of asset encumbrance, as commented in past conference calls. Minor updates on the reporting framework will be also included. Every change is documented. Current version 2.0 is confirmed to be used in the first reporting round/s.
2. EIOPA news.
3. ESMA’s ESEF (European Single Electronic Format).
(Marc) EIOPA sending a questionnaire about local e-reporting views and practices to National Competent Authorities. EIOPA also to send a questionnaire in the near future to market participants, for a six weeks consultation period, in very open consultations for a wider audience. Eurofiling community invited to share experiences in the e-reporting topic. Another public consultation is also in pipeline for this year, for additional aspects as tax, accounting, integrated reporting and other relevant topics.
4. CEN WS XBRL Project and Standards/Practices.
(Martin): Error handling is very dependent of vendor software. XBRL Standards are helping in this area. Topic to be presented in Rome by different vendors.
5. Events and AOB.
(REGISTRATION OPEN) 13 XBRL EU Day & 19 Eurofiling . May 5, 6, 7. Rome.
Wednesday May 7th: XBRL/DPM tutorial, entry level, with Herm Fischer
Monday 5th: Eurofiling: Speakers and Program Committee members wanted!
- EBA, EIOPA, ESMA (ESEF), ECB technical information
- National Competent Authorities (NCAs) experiences with new COREP/FINREP:
- NCAs traditionally XBRL practitioners (DE, FR, LU?)
- NCAs now involved in XBRL as well as their reporting entities (UK, PT?)
- NCAs now involved in XBRL but not their reporting entities (CY, HR?)
- Reporting Entities experiences with new COREP/FINREP
- Standards for Transparency and Open Data
- Specialized sessions:
- Extension of EBA/EIOPA Taxonomies
- Error handling
- Large Instance Processing
- Identification of Entities
- Validations based in DPM
[2014-06-09 to 11] 26 International XBRL Conference Orlando (Florida)
Haizhen Chen (Bank of France, FR)
Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling coordinator)
Ignacio Santos (Bank of Spain, ES)
Joel Vicente (CoreFiling, UK)
Marc Labat (ESMA)
Martin DeVille (UBPartner)
Pierre Hamon (Etxetera, FR)
Piotr Malczak (GPM Systemy, PL)
Venkat. Sambandan (Deloitte, NL)
Wladyslaw Krawiec (IFRS)
Andreas Weller (EBA)
Eric Jarry (Bank of France, FR)
Katrin Heinze (Eurofiling coordinator)