CEN-CENELEC Workshop Agreements (CWA) comments published.
Issues on standardization. (Goto-san, Joel) Steps ongoing to standardize taxonomy package functionality by sending the topic to the XII Specification WG
XBRL Standards Board Survey Now Open (Conor O’kelly). Very brief survey of 10 focused questions which take no more than a few minutes to complete. Your feedback will provide us insights into our XSB work planning and priorities in 2014 and helps us to get our work done more easily and efficiently. The survey will remain open until 11th Nov 2013. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2013XSBPulseSurvey
Filing Rules. (Ignacio) What is the situation of Filing Rules in mayor areas? (Goto-san) Japan EDINET use Filing Rules as a help for reporting entities; Bank of Japan in applications and Formula Linkbase.; US SEC maintain Filing Rules updated as mandatory request that filers must follow; US FDIC as conformance suit to check; XBRL US added additional consistency suit and coherence checks.
CWA1 (Santos) DPM guideline almost finished by Anne Marie
(Joel) What about the answers to the comments to CEN WS XBRL Public Consultation? (Ignacio) Answers MUST to be made public, as this is a formal CEN-ruled consultation. (Emile) Some comments are warmly accepted, while others would be considered, documented but not always agreed. Both cases will have pubic reply.
2. EBA news.
Question from a reporting entity: We are preparing a translation table between the old and new COREP/FINREP. How to collaborate in it?
(Derek) COREP/FINREP are quite different among different countries. Therefore this mapping is difficult.
(Emile) Years ago National variations were normal, with the Core Team working on mitigation. It should not be the case for new COREP/FINREP, but risks on national dialects still remains, consequential to the statement on EBA Public Consultation: Although primarily intended for use in data transmission between competent authorities and the EBA, authorities may choose to use the proposed XBRL taxonomy or a similar one for collecting data from credit institutions and investment firms in Europe
(Ignacio) contributions on mapping between old and new COREP/FINREP are more than welcomed in any case to info@eurofiling.info
3. EIOPA news. No news.
4. Events.
12th XBRL EU Day, 18th Eurofiling Workshop, CEN WS XBRL: Luxembourg, 10-11 December 2013. www.eurofiling.info/201312. Registration open!!!
Logistics are mainly final. Registrations for 20 of 100 seats already received. Please book.
Proposals/comments wanted to the Eurofiling Agenda at info@eurofiling.info
5. AOB.
Many thanks to Olivier Servais for his tireless work on XBRL since early 2000’s on XBRL in Europe till his recent contributions as IFRS/XBRL leader. Best wishes in his new projects!
Aftab Ahmad (FSA, Norway)
Anne Bini (Invoke, FR)
Derek De Brandt (XBRL EU)
Eduardo Gonzalez (Gonblan, ES)
Emile Bartolé (CSSF, LU)
Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling coordinator)
Ignacio Santos (Bank of Spain, ES)
Joel Vicente (CoreFiling, UK)
Martin DeVille (UBPartner)
Masatomo Goto (Fujitsu, UK)
Piotr Malczak (GPM Systemy, PL)
Andreas Weller (EBA)
Katrin Heinze (Eurofiling coordinator)