CEN-CENELEC Workshop Agreements (CWA) comments published.
See the General Comments from he public review (closed Oct. 9th), as well as details at:
Banque de France: CWA1-1 CWA1-2 CWA1-3 CWA1-4 CWA3-1 CWA3-2
Corefiling UK: CWA1-4 CWA2 Corefiling USA: CWA1-3 CWA1-4
European Banking Authority: CWA1-1 CWA1-3 CWA1-4
Piotr Malczak: User-friendly Formula Meta Description (FMD) notation for CWA1-2
Spanish National Bank: CWA1-3 CWA1-4 XBRL Spain: CWA1-2
University UC3M: CWA1-1 CWA1-2 CWA1-3 CWA1-4 CWA2 CWA3-1 CWA3-2
CWA1, CWA2 & CWA3: (Emile, Aitor) Updating deliverables with comments received
2. EBA news. XBRL and IT Architecture groups, internal meetings next week
3. EIOPA news. (Maria) New draft XBRL taxonomy to be made public early Novembre.
4. Events.
12th XBRL EU Day, 18th Eurofiling Workshop, CEN WS XBRL: Luxembourg, 10-11 December 2013. www.eurofiling.info/201312.
Panels presented on main track:
Methods and tools; From CRD IV to XBRL taxonomies; EIOPA way forward; To XBRL or not to XBRL; Resources (CEN workshop on XBRL).
Experts panels, in parallel to main track:
User-friendly validations; Open Source Tutorials; Implementers panel; Technology panel.
CEN WS XBRL final plenary session on Dec. 11, 09:00-12:00, ABBL premises
Accommodation on Novotel: see Discount booking form (until Nov. 12)
Registration to be opened next week.
XBRL Nordic 13 November 2013, Copenhagen. Registration open. No fee.
XBRL & standards in Europe 18 November 2013, Madrid. Registration open. No fee.
5. AOB.
Aitor Azcoaga (EIOPA)
Anne Bini (Invoke, FR)
Bartosz Ochocki (BR-AG, PL)
Derek De Brandt (XBRL EU)
Emile Bartolé (CSSF, LU)
Haiko Philipp (Cundus DE)
Haizhen Chen (Bank of France, FR)
Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling coordinator)
Ignacio Santos (Bank of Spain, ES)
Maria Frantzi (EIOPA)
Masatomo Goto (Fujitsu, UK)
Pablo Navarro (Atos, ES)
Wladyslaw Krawiec (IFRS)
Andreas Weller (EBA)
Katrin Heinze (Eurofiling coordinator)