Debriefing about the internal meeting on September 26. (see public working WIKI space at Volunteer editors welcomed! )
Next events December 12-13 and WGs 11-14: Organization and Programme. See
- Kick-off meeting of the CEN WS XBRL Project with all core team members for the definition of the first deliverable for December 2012
- Workspace for all project teams: (please send an email to or for log in credentials)
- Additional google groups for each project will follow to enable detailed discussions via email list
- CWA1: first deliverables: European XBRL Taxonomy Architecture and Filing Rules
- CWA2: first deliverables: Metadata taxonomy plus first drafts on containers
- CWA3: starting guides for supervisors and reporting entities showing best practices and explainations for starters
Next CEN WS XBRL internal meeting on the 11th of December
2. EBA news no news
3. EIOPA news. Proof of concept taxonomy on immediate release.
- proof-of-concept taxonomy has been published on the EIOPA website
- publication on will follow
- next week: publication of the DPM
- comments are welcomed
4. Taxonomy Architecture Guidance task force of XBRL International. See – no news
5. AOB. no news
- Bartosz Ochocki (Br-aG, PL)
- Roland Hommes (Rhocon, NL)
- Wladyslaw Krawiec (IFRS)
- Katrin Heinze (Eurofiling coordinator)
- Aitor Azcoaga (EIOPA)
- Joel Vicente (CoreFiling, UK)
- Grzegorz Backer (GPM, PL)
- Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling coordinator)
- Emile Bartolé (CSSF – Luxembourg)