Minutes November 29, 2017

EIOPA update

EIOPA has delivered a hot-fix taxonomy on 24 November (see mail [Eurofiling 1275]). If no error is detected before 7 December, this version will be stored in the “canonical location” and used for production.

For the time being, no corrective version V2.2.1 is planned.

The hotfix no longer use the draft LEI taxonomy provided by XBRL International, but functions located at the URL http://eiopa.europa.eu/eu/xbrl/func/lei-check.xml

The assertion BV137 which caused problems (issue 126) has been rewritten to avoid using absolute values (the Eurofiling abs-sequence function is no longer used).

One participant mentioned that the change of the type of NB typed dimension domain, from integer to string causes problem. The dictionary should stay stable.

A draft version of the Pension Funds taxonomy has been published. The first reference date should be end 2018 but the first year may be considered as a preparatory period.

EBA update

2.6 “doubtful” assertions still not 100% addressed on EBA’s blacklist.

A hotfix has been published by EBA.

ECB update

ECB is reviewing its DP taxonomy as an extension on the 2.7 taxonomy.

ESMA update

The ESMA taxonomy has not yet be published.

SRB Update

One participant stated that the date used in the context is the deadline date for the reporting, not the reference date (end of the period described). This is different from other reportings and should be confirmed.

Upcoming events.


XBRL Europe day in Copenhagen 01.02.2018

Eurofiling XBRL Week in May/June 2018

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