EIOPA update
EIOPA will deliver a hotfix taxonomy which addresses ao. schema locations issues (yellow flagged in the known issues list, number 123).
There may be changes to assertions, like the issues with the ISIN and custom functions flagged as ‘to be investigated’.
EIOPA aims only address and fix taxonomy issues if the taxonomy remains instance compatible.
In this occasion and for future releases, EIOPA will check with XBRL.ORG about the usage of specifications in case of doubt.
The hotfix is expected between mid and end of November.
Progress on the Pension Funds: this will include the ECB part and the full version will be expected next year.
It’s a separate published taxonomy but following the same architecture and a common dictionary.
News from Eurofiling Taxonomy Team:
abs-sequence function was created to enable the absolute value of a sequence. The group is invited to look into the mechanics in the interval-arithmetics linkbase.
The group discusses the problems that may be caused by outdated eurofiling schemas and linkbases, shipped together with ESA taxonomy releases.
Eurofiling Taxonomy Team discourages this practise and has made a page available where all Eurofiling taxonomy files are downloadable from their canonical location.
Eurofiling TT will update all of its files with a version number.
EBA update
2.6 “doubtful” assertions still not 100% addressed on EBA’s blacklist.
2.7 posed issues with ao. assertions and some other functionalities. EBA addresses this in a hotfix release (version which is circulating shortly.
2.8 discussion on the consideration of EBA to abandon explicit members for lists outside of its control (countries, currencies), and replace by typed members. The group discourages this approach and proposes to move these lists into the Eurofiling domain, where they can be maintained with a different release calender (ie: instantly).
Eurofiling Taxonomy Team will take appropriate action to discuss this possibility with the involved authorities.
ECB update
ECB is reviewing its DP taxonomy as an extension on the 2.7 taxonomy.
ESMA update
ESMA has conducted an informal working group which is investigating the results of the Field test in which a lot of countries/companies participated. The general feedback was very positive. Some doubts on the anchoring mechanism.
Final regulation (draft RTS) is expected to be ready at the end of the year, submitted to the EC by then. With the 3 + 3 months consultation from EP and EC it will be published at the end of Q2 2018.
Initiatives are popping up from the business side to prepare towards ESAF in various countries.
It’s not clear at this point at what time the ESMA taxonomy will be available, what/how it will link to external resources and how extensions are to be made.
SRB update
SRB is finalising its LDT taxonomy version 2.0.1 for filings in spring 2018.
includes warnings and the ignore-val mechanism
Upcoming events.
XBRL ‘Data Amplified’ in Paris 06-08.11.2017
+ related Group meetings and workshops
Nordic event in Danmark on 27.11.2017
XBRL EU day in Copenhagen 01.02.2018