Presentations of the XBRL WEEK in Frankfurt, 2016.

XEU Day, Eurofiling and Academic Track. Hosted by the ECB. June 1-2, 2016.
Except stated otherwise, the presentations are solely the responsibility of the authors.

June 1 09h15 JM Israel MMSR.pdf
June 1 09h40 AWellerXBRLEUROPEFrankfurt.pdf
June 1 10h05 EIOPA update Patrick Hoedjes.pdf
June 1 10h50 BrunoTesniereXBRLWEEKFrankfurt.pdf
June 1 11h00 ThomasVerdinxEBRWGXBRLWEEKFrankfurt.pdf
June 1 11h10 Update on the IFRS Taxonomy June 2016.pdf
June 1 11h30 German Company Register XBRL EV_010616.pdf
June 1 11h50 Bas Groenveld SBR update.pdf
June 1 12h10 SR Working Group update.pdf
June 1 13h45 Standards in market infrastructures.pdf
June 1 14h05 Data Quality validation rules and XBRL.pdf
June 1 14h25 ManuelOrtega.pdf
June 1 14h45 IFRS_9_Beerbaum_Piechocki.pdf
June 1 15h25 MichalPiechocki_FrankfurtGroup.pdf
June 1 15h45 XBRL in Asia.pdf
June 1 16h05 XII UPDATE.pdf
June 1 16h50 GillesMaguetXBRLWEEKFrankfurt.pdf
June 2 09h15 Juan Alberto ECB Supervisory Reporting.pdf
June 2 09h55 Karla McKenna interconnected standards.pdf
June 2 10h05 Stephan Wolf GLEIF.pdf
June 2 10h30 Integration of DPM Architect with BBDD.pdf
June 2 10h40 Owen Jones – EBA release plan and future.pdf
June 2 10h50 SMEsFinancialReportSpainEasyXBRLOpenSource.pdf
June 2 11h15 EIOPA update for Eurofiling.pdf
June 2 11h15 Maria Mora- AECA – Integrated Suite.pdf
June 2 14h00 Central_Bank_Ireland_NST_Presentation.pdf
June 2 14h00 Panel_BPB_ESFS_R1.00.pdf
June 2 14h30 AnaCredit JMIsrael.pdf
June 2 14h30 EDI in the Dutch insurance industry.pdf
June 2 15h00 BoE Eurofiling – Not published.pdf
June 2 15h00 FDS Project Presentation.pdf
June 2 15h00 Paul Staal ING.pdf
June 2 15h50 EIF_DS_xBRL_final_IB.pdf
June 2 16h15 EWF_Ukraine FinSector_fv.pdf
June 2 16h35 Maria Mora- CDP-TFCD presentation.pdf
June 3 16h15 TUTORIALS.pdf

ACADEMIC TRACK                                         CALL FOR PAPERS

Zabihollah Rezaee, University of Memphis 1_Integration of Sustainability Performance Reporting And XBRL
Kamaleddin Yaghoobirafi, Shahid Beheshti University 2_On the optimization of XBRL Taxonomies Architecture from Semantic Interoperability perspective
Tahereh Monzavi, Alzahra University 3_Semantic Interoperability in Business Reporting: A Case Study of XBRL adoption in Iran Capital Market
Nicola Castellano, University of Macerata 4_Investigating the determinants of XBRL Disclosure
Maryam Heidari, Univ. Freiberg 5_Analytical Support of Financial Footnotes: A Qualitative Research Proposing Text Mining Approach
Meiling Liu, Shanghai National Accounting Institute 6_How To Train Stakeholders On XBRL Technology, Experiences Of XBRL China
Christian Beelitz, University of Freiberg 7_The evolution of requirements on XBRL – A shift from data exchange to data integration
Andreas Harth, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 8_Towards Real-Time Calculation of Financial Indexes using XBRL and Linked Data
Ignacio Boixo, CEN workshop on XBRL 9_Transaction, supervision and disclosure: standardizing a continuum
Dirk Beerbaum, University of Surrey Business School 10_Towards an XBRL-enabled Corporate Governance Reporting Taxonomy. Empirical study of NYSE-listed Financial Institutions
Matthias Goeken, University of the Bundesbank 11_Data Quality and Governance Issues to Bring the XBRL-Idea to Life
Sascha Martin, University of Freiberg 12_Information added value in the credit scoring with XBRL
Pierre Teller, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis 13_The Determinants of Voluntary Disclosure in XBRL Financial Statements
Ignacio Santos, Carlos III University of Madrid. 14_Mapping between the formulas XBRL and the Multidimensional Data Model.
Eduardo González, Association for Computing Machinery 15_XBRL validation logs analysis and clasification with Automation Cockpit using supervised learning methods
Herm Fisher, Paul Warren, XBRL Standards Board 16_XBRL Open Information Model
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