Preparing a hotfix for 2.9.0 taxonomy release for pension funds to be applicable from Q1-2025 reference dates. The taxonomy timelines will reflect this and other updates in the coming weeks.
A new update of the public list of validation is upcoming with new deactivations for the frameworks.
2. EBA
Working on 3.5 (COREP_FRTB, DORA, FICO, Remuneration diversity, MREL_TLAC), the draft version will be available for different NCAs subgroup review in May 2024, final version will be published in July. Only DPM1 will be published, two taxonomy will be published (architecture 1 and architecture 2), only taxonomy with architecture 1 will be used on the reporting chain.
After publication of 3.5, EBA will work on release 4.0 + using the whole new glossary (output of data quality project), the draft version will be published around October 2024 (not only for NCAs, but also for the whole public in order to have users prepare for the changes in time), the final version will be published around December 2024. In 4.0 there will have ITS updates on:
- • COREP_OF, COREP_LR (first reference date 03/2025)
- • SBP_RM (first reference date )
- • MiCAR
In 4.0, besides the updates ITS, all other existing modules will be remodelled with new dictionaries, all these new modules outside ITS updates will not be used immediately, EBA will consider when they will be applied.
And for 4.0, both DPM1.0 and DPM 2.0 will be published, taxonomy following architecture 2 will be published and used on the reporting chain.
3. ECB
Communicated that there is no news for ECB reporting packages for this call.
It was mentioned that the ECB and EBA has established a Joint Bank Reporting Committee (JBRC) to make data reporting by the banking industry more efficient. The new structure will harmonise and integrate reporting of statistical, supervisory and resolution data with the aim of developing common definitions and standards. Process will involve all relevant EU bodies, as well as national authorities and banking industry representatives. More information is available in the ECB and EBA websites.
Aswell was mentioned that the ECB with EBA a EIOPA set up a joint governance framework for collaboration on the DPM 2.0 standard. The DPM alliance is established through a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the three authorities to foster the technical harmonisation among the organisations. This alliance aims at ensuring consistent methodology for modelling reporting requirements, the common metamodel used for populating the reporting requirements and the associated documentation. More information is available in the EBA, ECB and EIOPA websites.
4. SRB
Informed by written that there is not news for this call.
5. Eurofiling events
Eurofiling is progressing with the organisation of the 2024 Eurofiling conference in Dublin. Agenda is quite advanced and participation on the meeting is encouraged. One of the remaining aspect that Eurofiling is working on to host potential rapid fire presentations of 5 minutes for singular products or projects. The format considered maybe a recorded video. Announcement on how to participate on them is planned to be published in the Eurofiling website on the coming days.
6. AOB
No other business raised.