F2F meeting in Amsterdam (see minutes)
Well attended.
Several topics were discussed:
consolidation scopes and the challenges which are caused by them,
instance generator, taxonomy generator
XBRL certification is considered counter-productive by Working Group members
Note. in the slides shared afterwards via the googlegroup mail, the “s. datapoints” (i.e.with double meaning, on slide 6) were renamed to “Musical Chair Datapoints”
EBA news
In April 2017 EBA is expected to release the taxonomy 2.7.
A known issue with some data points in 2.6 (tables C09.04) may trigger a corrective release, but it’s highly unlikely with the info we have today.
Discussion on additional validations which are today triggered by ECB and NCA’s.
EBA will include some of them in future taxonomies.
ECB news
FINREP Datapoints taxonomy will be published by ECB. Let’s monitor when that happens.
The Working Group would be delighted if the ECB owner of this taxonomy could join the monthly call.
EIOPA news
Nothing new since the last call.
The Working Group considers it would be nice if the Filing Rules were the same between EIOPA and EBA.
A Working Group member mentions that the Ad Hoc entry point is only used in Italy
XEU news
– a permanent academic working group has been founded within XEU, with academic researchers in the lead. More info with XEU, call for volunteers to join the initiative.
– new strategy and new bylaws in XEU to be more inclusive towards countries with or without XBRL jurisdictions.
XII’s LEI validation taxonomy
Call for feedback onto XII’s LEI Taxonomy initiative before the public release.
The taxonomy package and a sample test instance can be found here:
Upcoming events
XBRL Week: 6-7-8-9 June, 2017 :
6 Tutorials, working groups, …
7 XEU day, Academic Track, Networking Dinner
8 Eurofiling Workshop and Academic Track
9 Working groups etc.
call for speakers will follow in March
Next conf call: March 30, 2017
*** thank You for participating – people make the difference ***