1) EBA’s intention to switch to the Table Linkbase REC
The group discusses the paper and is very happy with this news.
2) EIOPA taxonomy 1.7
Most members did not dedicate (a lot of) time to version 1.7.0 and are looking forward to version 2.0 and the assertions. The fact that interval arithmetics may or may not be used is a matter of EIOPA, as long as the thresholds are not becoming a matter of national discretion. The solution must remain European and not create more room for deviation.
Julien has looked at the taxonomy, and considers the rearrangement of templates by EIOPA a good evolution.
Deactivation of rules: the group considers that from a release management point of view, it technically impossible to deal with frequent changes on country-by-country level ! Better to accumulate over longer periods, such as two months.
3) EBA 2.3.1
– being put in production
– table 46 seems to have changed; David gathers input for this potential issue
– Vincent expects EBA to publish its taxonomy 2.4, the date is not known for sure however
4) AOB
Multi-currency: both EBA and EIOPA will adopt the same method, with the proper and intended use of the unitRef and dimensions to take care of “reported in original currency” or “reported in converted currency”