1. EBA news.
2. EIOPA news.
3. ESMA’s ESEF (European Single Electronic Format).
(Venkat): At present, it is not easy to have an overview of what each National Supervisory Authority has decided in their respective country on when & if to use XBRL for first level of reporting (to NSA’s). It would be nice to have a (regularly updated) interactive map (as the recent Solvency II Wire Magazine map or the more traditional Eurofiling COREP). Such a map will give what is the status in detail per country: for example, country XYZ will continue using their current XML reporting format and may switch to the EBA XBRL format from summer of 2014.
(Gilles): XBRL Europe is working in this area, with the IFRS Securities and Markets Working Group, chaired by Pierre Hammon hamon.pierre [at] yahoo.fr
(Pierre): A White paper is to be published by the end of the first semester 2014. Happy to collect the info of all the different sectors, as well as coordinate with the projects’ repository of XBRL International.
(Ignacio): Potential approaches for the technical implementation of an interactive map to be studied by Eurofiling IT experts. Help welcomed!
4. CEN WS XBRL Project and Standards/Practices.
(Eric): Ongoing discussions about how to identify entities. A number of entities will lack of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) in Solvency II framework. URN vs. URL is also in discussion. Topic for next Confcalls.
(Ignacio): Current practices (as Core Business Vocabulary or XBRL) are basically based on an unique pair Autority/IDgivenbytheAuthority per entity. Each country has its own Authorities. The Authorities do not always have an invariant denomination or URL. How to identify the Authorities?
5. Events and AOB.
Call for Applications – IFRS Taxonomy Consultative Group
(Wladyslaw) This new group is in replacement of the two former groups, divided between business and technology. (Gilles) European practitioners kindly encouraged to apply.
Solvency II: The next 3rd of April 2014 in Paris, XBRL France with the support XBRL Europe organizes a conference (in French) around Solvency II, from 9:00 to 17:30, with plenary session in the morning and solutions presentation during the afternoon. The aim of this conference is to inform the French speaking insurers and the stakeholders about Solvency II and XBRL and about the requirements from the National Insurance Supervisory Authorities (mainly French and Belgian Authorities), as the remittance is due to start in September 2014 in France. This conference funded by XBRL France is open to sponsorship, from XBRL France and XBRL Europe only, as explained in the leaflet.
13 XBRL Europe Day & 19 Eurofiling Workshop. May 5 and 6 (Monday and Tuesday. Exact days to be confirmed). Rome. Speakers and Program Committee members wanted!
[2014-06-09 to 11] 26 International XBRL Conference Orlando (Florida)
Dave van den Ende (Deloitte NL)
Eduardo Gonzalez (Gonblan, ES)
Eric Jarry (Bank of France, FR)
Gilles Maguet (XBRL Europe)
Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling coordinator)
Ignacio Santos (Bank of Spain, ES)
Joel Vicente (CoreFiling, UK)
Kyle Lamb (EY, UK)
Martin DeVille (UBPartner)
Masatomo Goto (Fujitsu, UK)
Pierre Hamon (Etxetera, FR)
Venkat. Sambandan (Deloitte, NL)
Wladyslaw Krawiec (IFRS)
Andreas Weller (EBA)
Anne Bini (Invoke, FR)
Katrin Heinze (Eurofiling coordinator)