1. CEN-CENELEC Workshop Agreements (CWA) on XBRL.
Final CWA deliverables, already approved in Luxembourg, are public at cen.eurofiling.info.
The volunteers and experts of the CEN WS XBRL will maintain the deliverables and additional materials updated, especially with the feedback from implementations.
Action points resulting of the CEN Final Plenary Session and EBA XBRL Supgroup:
- Repository/Guidance on national Supervisory extensions
- Label linkbases for national languages (i.e. other than English)
- Edition management for releases (after the EBA update of this document)
An specific webspace will be prepared for such action points.
Pending works: update wikixbrl.info / cen.eurofiling.info with the final deliverables. In addition, as the required structure of the final CEN WS XBRL deliverables would never accommodate all of the intermediate results produced (as the EU Core Business Vocabulary translation to XBRL), the websites update is a golden opportunity to link the intermediate results with the whole project structure.
Your e-mail supporting the CEN WS XBRL deliverables is kindly requested: (i.e. Sending a text as “Dear Maarten, With this mail, I confirm that I support the work of the project teams of the XBRL workshop and agree with the CWA deliverables which were made. Kind regards” with your name and affiliation to the Secretariat maarten.peelen@nen.nl with copy to derek.debrandt@xbrl-eu.org and boixo@bde.es )
2. EBA news. Final COREP/FINREP XBRL taxonomies, dated 2013-12-02
3. EIOPA news. None
4. Events.
12th XBRL EU Day and 18th Eurofiling Workshop: Presentations published along with statistics (121 attendees, 73 Organizations, 27 Countries).
The limited presence of reporting entities would be hopefully improved with more focus in reporting practices, i .e. with more practical examples and hands on DPM. Possible webinar topic in the meanwhile. Other suggestions welcomed!
Next Eurofiling Wuroshop / XBRL EU Day possibly in the week of 5 May, Rome.
The sequence is Eurofiling and XBRL EU main sessions in two consecutive full days.
A combination of the weekend enjoying the fantastic Rome with the Eurofiling main session starting Monday morning would be an option. Specialized WG meetings would be distributed among Monday to Wednesday. Feedback welcomed!
5. AOB.
Please take five minutes answering to the XBRL International Taxonomy Architecture Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TAGTFSurvey
Next confcall on January 9th, with a relaxing Christmas season.
Happy new year to all!
Aftab Ahmad (FSA, Norway)
Derek De Brandt (XBRL EU)
Emile Bartolé (CSSF, LU)
Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling coordinator)
Ignacio Santos (Bank of Spain, ES)
Joel Vicente (CoreFiling, UK)
Andreas Weller (EBA)
Anne Bini (Invoke, FR)
Eduardo Gonzalez (Gonblan, ES)
Katrin Heinze (Eurofiling coordinator)