1. CEN WS XBRL Project. See our public working WIKI space at www.xbrlwiki.info
See the CEN Workshop Agreements discussed in Dec. 12th at http://www.eurofiling.info/cen/documents/
CWA1. Katrin Heinze
- Metamodel for DPM. Use of DPM for XBRL and Data Warehouse purposes
- Cookbook for Supervisors: How to create DPM without technical knowledge (some students volunteered here),
- Draft scheduled end of March (hopefully)
CWA2: Emile Bartolé
- Header information based on Core Business Vocabulary http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/core_business/home
- XML version already developed for non-Business info.
- Developing proof of concept tools (not part of the standard) for checking/validation demonstrators. Arelle to validate XBRL content.
- Discussion about a strategy for Business info, based in DPM methodology and then generating XBRL from DPM model (potential involvement of EBA, EIOPA, and contractors [read BR-AG]).
CWA3: Pablo Navarro
- Roll out guide for end March
- FAQ for end January
2. EBA news.
Andreas Weller
- Beta draft FINREP taxonomy published
- Taxonomy architecture for end January
Eric Jarry:
- Filing indicators to be tested
3. EIOPA news. No news.
4. XBRL week in Frankfurt: 11-14 December.
Debriefing. Presentations available at www.eurofiling.info/201212
Discussions about “no show” situations and consequences:
- The estimated target audience is about 100 to 150 attendees, depending on the invitations sent to additional stakeholder organizations (in addition to standard Eurofiling and XBRL Europe distribution lists).
- An early high registration refrains to send such additional invitations, due to the risk of lacking seats for accommodation (as happened in the XBRL week in Frankfurt, fully booked).
- Attendees in “no show” are a relevant percentage due that a no-show do not implies any penalty (registration is for free).
- Such seats would instead be advantageously offered to stakeholders attracted by additional promotion to the event, promotion refrained for the “apparent” fully booked registration.
- “No show” is particularly risky when contractual agreements are in place (i.e. Gala dinner) due to the risk of indemnify for no-show seats to be claimed against organizers.
- Empirical evidence in the XBRL week in Frankfurt demonstrated, once again, a relevant number of unannounced no-show, both with empty seats and no-collected vouchers for Gala dinner.
- Registration fee (even very modest) creates bureaucracy overload to civil servants attendees, due the need for internal additional authorization from Training Department (or equivalent), in addition to the usual travelling arrangements.
- Gala dinner payment in advance only involves transaction costs, but not additional authorizations (each attendee is free to attend the Gala dinner or not).
- “Black list” for next events against unjustified attendance no-show would be dissuasive.
- Controlled overbooking, until a predefined percentage, would be a calculated risk.
- Topic to be revisited in next events.
5. AOB.
Andreas Weller (EBA)
Roland Hommes (Rhocon, NL)
Bartosz Ochocki (BR-AG, PL)
Emile Bartolé (CSSF LU)
Ignacio Santos (Bank of Spain)
Joel Vicente (CoreFiling, UK)
Eduardo Gonzalez (Gonblan, ES)
Haizhen Chen (ACP – Bank of France)
Eric Jarry (ACP – Bank of France)
Pablo Navarro (Atos, ES)
Derek De Brandt (XBRL EU)
Katrin Heinze (Eurofiling coordinator)
Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling coordinator)
Aitor Azcoaga (EIOPA)