2024.06.26 minutes

General note: below minutes are written by Eurofiling and are not official statements by the mentioned organisations.

EBA update

EBA is working on 3.5 release including updates to MREL_TLAC, COREP_FRTB, DORA RoI, FC, REM_DBM (Remuneration Diversity Benchmarking). It will be published around 08/07/2024 with extra materials related to DPM 2.0 and taxonomy architecture v2.

/!\ The DPM 2.0 and taxonomy architecture v2 information is ONLY for study purposes, NOT to be used for reporting.

SRB update

SRB plans to publish the SRF taxonomy for reporting in 2025 cycle by the end of July 2024.

ECB update

ECB announces to be ready to receive xBRL-CSV formatted supervisory reports from July 2025.

EIOPA update

For Solvency 2, a 2.8.2 minor release is foreseen, fixing issues encountered.

This version will be used for reports referencing December 2024 and later, until the arrival of a new ITS.

Information on the changes is expected by mid-July, follow the EIOPA website for these details.

A Public Working Draft is scheduled for September and the final release for October of this year.

A request was made for an earlier release containing only the dictionary and reporting framework for 2.8.2, so without validation rules. EIOPA understands the value of such a release but can’t commit to providing it as resources are scare.

ESMA update

ESMA is working on the reporting manual, publication is planned for mid-July .

ESMA is discussion with EFRAG on a sustainability taxonomy. A consultation on this work is expected in the last quarter of 2024 or first quarter of 2025.

ESG update

GRI has published its taxonomy and is asking for feedback on it: GRI – GRI Sustainability Taxonomy (globalreporting.org). This consultation closes on the August 11th.

Events update 

The June Eurofiling conference was very successful. Presentations and recordings are available on the event website (https://2024.eurofiling.info/)

Many thanks to the Central Bank of Ireland for the flawless organisation and marvellous support.

Next events:

Asian XBRL Round Table starting July 8 in Japan

No news on Data Amplified: expected at the end of year (November or December).

Next Eurofiling conference is foreseen for early June 2025.

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