EBA update:
An internal working draft of taxonomy 3.0 phase 1 has been shared with NCA’s.
Feedback on it is incorporated in a second IWD.
The decision to publish the taxonomy by the Board of Supervisors is scheduled for mid December, after which the taxonomy will be publicly available.
3.0 phase 2 will contain the MREL/TLAC framework and is expected to be also published by the end of the year.
Taxonomy 3.1 is planned for release in February of 2021 containing, amongst others, data collections for investment firms.
This release will contain the JSON metadata necessary for submitting reports in the XBRL-CSV format.
Info: EBA is collecting REMUN data at the moment for reference date 2019-12-31
ECB update:
ECB has started development of the SFRDP taxonomy extension, which is an extension of the EBA 3.0 taxonomy. ECB expects to publish the taxonomy in February 2021.
ECB is investigating the cost-benefit analysis for the usage of xBRL-CSV.
EIOPA update:
EIOPA is finalising the PEPP KID taxonomy that will be published by end February 2021. This is the first package corresponding with the new EIOPA´s PEPP regulation.
EIOPA together with the EBA will present the first package of the DPM Refit project to the NCAs and other EU authorities on the 11 December.
ESMA update:
The EU has adopted the RTS and ESMA is now finalising the labels and translations in the 2020 taxonomy package. Publication will be done in the next several weeks, together with an updated conformance suite package.
A question was asked on the diversity of implementation of the requirements on audit of ESEF in different Member States. ESMA indicated that it has no direct role in this topic, but that some degree of coordination is taking place within the CEAOB (Committee of European Audit Oversight Bodies) through meetings in a dedicated task force, to which ESMA is also observer.
SRB update:
SRF taxonomy 6.0.2 is being used; no changes made yet.
ResRep taxonomy 5.0.7 production portal will be open in March for NRAs.
Some applications that a based on a component from a single vendor produce errors for rules v1052-v1061. This processor is too strict in its handling of filing indicators. SRB will send an informative document to NCA’s shortly.
Upcoming events :
– in December some European XBRL jurisdictions are organising ESEF information sessions in the same week, see info on https://eurofiling.info/portal/events/.
– 17.12.2020: Eurofiling is organising a “Celebration of Hope“.
Next call
There will be no call in the last week of December.
Next call : Wednesday January 27, 2021 via the regular phone facility, see http://minutes.eurofiling.info/facility/.
Eurofiling wishes you a fine Christmas period!