EBA update
Taxonomy 2.9 is being produced and reviewed.
Expected releases:
- Phase 1 in a few weeks with COREP and RES reporting
- Phase 2 towards end of June with FINREP and other reporting
The phase 2 release will also include a complete taxonomy with all frameworks (“full version”) next to packages with only the changed frameworks.
SBP will probably be provided separately to enable parties to implement that framework first as is needed already in October.
The dictionaries to be used ‘in the end’ will be the ones from the phase 2 release. There will be no specific different number for the dictionaries in the 2nd phase release; or at best
Taxonomy 2.8: a 2.8.1 hotfix was discussed in the past but it’s not going to be produced.
DPM Architect news
Banco de España is working on a new release of the DPM Architect application that is enhanced to reflect the architectural changes made in the 2.9 version of the EBA taxonomy.
ECB update
ECB announced that there is no news on its taxonomies.
ESMA update
Publication of the ESEF in the OJEU is expected in June.
ESMA updates its RTS and taxonomy soon with the latest version of the IFRS taxonomy published in March 2019.
Issuers will then be able to use in 2020 this updated IFRS version.
The taxonomy is expected to be released after the endorsement of the RTS and the official translations by the EC. Probably around the year-end.
It is observed by the industry that the IFRS taxonomy labels in some languages are overruled by the European official translations. During the Eurofiling conference this topic will be discussed in detail on Monday morning.
EIOPA update
Very few changes so far. End of May the technical logs of the pension funds taxonomy will be updated.
Still on track for the draft release of SII in June.
SRB update
For the 2020 cycle, the data collection will be an extension of the 2.9 taxonomy published by the EBA (Phase I).
For LDR new templates T10 and T11 will be included in this extension for additional data points required by SRB, besides entry points needed by SRB.
The extension is planned publication around September.
There may be an update of the SRB dictionaries.
Events update
– XEU meeting in month of May: no update
– Eurofiling Conference, June 17-18-19 at ECB premises in Frankfurt.
Agenda is gradually being filled online.
Please do not forget to register via http://2019.eurofiling.info : impossible to enter the ECB if not pre-registered and accepted.
Conference call numbers
Please inform us (info@eurofiling.info) of any local phone numbers listed at http://minutes.eurofiling.info/facility/ that aren’t working.
Next call
Wednesday 29th May 2019 10:30 – 11:30 AMS time zone.