Roundtable on EBA, ECB, EIOPA, ESMA, SRB taxonomies and reporting requirements.
around the implementation of the EBA taxonomy
EBA explains on 2.9 taxonomy
- released in two parts:
- first part in April / May containing COREP, LCR and Resolution frameworks
- second part in June / July containing FINREP, AE and SBP frameworks. A new framework will be added for remuneration data.
- Dictionary will be updated in both parts.
- 2.9 Resolution will contains both an CON and IND entry point.
- 2.9 Supervisory Benchmarking Portfolios: the dropdown lists for instruments and portfolios are still managed outside the taxonomy because these lists are not final from a legal point of view.
- 2.9 Renumeration: first reference date for submission of this data using the taxonomy is under discussion. Uncertain if this taxonomy will be used before 2021.
- released in two parts:
EBA is studying CRR2 and considering the impact on the EBA taxonomy (to become v2.10). EBA is considering adapting the technical setup of the taxonomy as well.
The approach to updating validation rules is ongoing. There is no other mechanism today than publishing a hotfix to the taxonomy to achieve this.
around the Finrep datapoints taxonomy of ECB
No update from the ECB.
around the implementation of the EIOPA taxonomy
EIOPA explains that the publication of 2.4 will as usual in June-July, but there is a risk of a small delay this year.
Public consultation for the 2020 review for Solvency II is ongoing, feedback from the industry is appreciated.
around the roadmap of ESMA on iXBRL / ESEF
No update from ESMA.
around the planned implementation of EBA’s RES and SRB’s LDR taxonomy
SRB shares the update:
- Data collection for the contribution for 2020 is being prepared as we speak.
SRF taxonomy is probably ready by the end of July 2019. It contains only small changes when compared to the current version. - Resolution reporting for 2020, SRB collaborates with EBA.
LDR taxonomy will again be an extension of the EBA taxonomy. Extension necessary to provide more entry points and cover some information that is not part of the EBA mandate.
LDR taxonomy is scheduled for publication in September of 2019. - CF/FMI + all Z-templates will be collected in XBRL in 2020.
- Data collection for the contribution for 2020 is being prepared as we speak.
Upcoming events
Eurofiling event is being prepared, 17-18-19 June at ECB.
Keynote speakers confirmed from EBA and SRB addressing the future on data collection.
Public consultation about environmental impact in the industry. This looks like a good case for structured information.
call is closed at 11h00
next call is on Wednesday 27 March 2019.