Minutes May 28th 2015

1) EBA’s whitepaper on multi-currency reporting

The group discusses in detail the paper, and identifies two scenarios instead of one as proposed in EBA’s paper:

Clean scenario : amounts are expressed using the unitRef to differentiate one from the other

° validation rules would need to take into consideration the unitref to differentiate while evaluating
° this scenario works with fact values from dynamic lists where the primary key is not the currency but an identifier such as Portfolio number
° what if amounts are expressed in both the original currency and a converted value in the reporting currency? What with conversion rates?

The group asks if EBA has an example to study.

discuss this in the
– roundtable
– XBRL Subgroup

2) Madrid Roundtable:

– David Bell
– Mark Goodhand
– Antoine
– Eric
– Derek
– Aitor
– Katrin
– Andreas

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