1) Charter: no comments
2) wiki: some people don’t have access to the wiki, Derek will send mail to Javi to clarify
3) Googlegroups: Eric would like to share documents on the googlegroups, Derek will ask Javi how this can be done?
4) Discussion on EIOPA’s filing rules draft document (feedback before March 30, 2015)
° General comment:
EIOPA refers to both EBA’s filing rules and to CEN’s European Filing Rules (CWA1).
>> It is recommended to have one central document, e.g. at the CEN which is a neutral European Standardisation body.
° 1.6.2 – Filing indicators in several tuples
All filing indicator elements SHOULD be reported in a single tuple before the business facts in the instance document .
>> the group recommends EIOPA to put back “MUST” because some NSA’s will inforce this rule as a MUST which means that tools will have do deal with solutions per NSA.
>> in fact: all SHOULD’s in filing rules are to be avoided for the same reason …
° S.2.18.(c) – representation and @decimal for monetary facts
Monetary facts MUST be reported with at least two decimals (two digits after the decimal point) and @xbrli:decimals appropriate to the scale of a reported value.
>> the group discusses this at length and recommends EIOPA to rephraze this to:
… and @xbrli:decimals=”i” with i = a value between 0 and -4.
5) Madrid : the group recommends having a roundtable slot during the Eurofiling day to discuss some of the topics.