1. EBA news.
Consultation on XBRL Taxonomy (v2.1) related to remittance of supervisory data. Consultation on a revised version of its XBRL Taxonomy for supervisory reporting, which incorporates additional reporting requirements for asset encumbrance, non-performing exposures and forbearance. This consultation aims at ensuring that the data national competent authorities collect from credit institutions and investment firms is transmitted to the EBA in a uniform and consistent manner. The consultation runs until 14 April 2014.
Possible EBA calendar impact due to practical challenges about -among others-:
- Physical publication of EBA documents in the EU Official Journal [i.e. how to reformat large Excel tables or DPM to accommodate in DIN A4 paper]
- Official translations to all the European languages
- Accuracy and stability of validations [i.e. lack of test cases, learning curve, interaction between supervisors designing validations on paper and IT experts running validations on computers, validations notation, and so on]
2. EIOPA news.
3. ESMA’s ESEF (European Single Electronic Format).
4. CEN WS XBRL Project and Standards/Practices.
Eric Jarry linking with the XII Best Practices Board (BPB) in organizing the Large Instance Processing slot for Rome.
5. Events and AOB.
13 XBRL EU Day & 19 Eurofiling . May 5, 6, 7. Rome.
(Gilles Maguet) For organizational and security reasons, the catering initially envisaged for the two main days (Monday and Tuesday) cannot be used and we have to use a specific caterer indicated by the host. For this reason we will incur in additional expenses that we are asking you to share also for the lunches and coffee breaks during the two days. The payment shall be one of the following:
40 € for each participant on Monday, or Tuesday, or both days, WITHOUT gala dinner
90 € for participant on Monday, or Tuesday, or both days, WITH for 1 gala dinner ticket
The payment is to be processed in priority through to the bank account of XBRL Italy
[2014-04-22] XBRL Spain, 10 years. Madrid
[2014-06-09 & 11] 26th International XBRL Conference Orlando (Florida)