CEN-CENELEC Workshop Agreements (CWA) available for public comments.
You are kindly invited to comment, even with a simple “no comments”
2. EBA news.
3. EIOPA news.
(Maria) Update of documentation (BUT taxonomy unchanged) of the intermediate phase of Solvency II at: eiopa.europa.eu/publications/eu-wide-reporting-formats/index.html
4. Events.
Standards Developers Forum. Madrid, 19-20 November 2013. Announced at http://www.xbrl.org/event/standards-developers-forum
Standards Organizations of special interest for the Eurofiling activities to be kindly encouraged to attend, as SDMX (for Statisticis) or DAMA (Data Management, for DPM).
Formal announce: 12th XBRL EU Day, 18th Eurofiling Workshop, CEN WS XBRL Plenary session and Internal meeting. Luxembourg: 10-11 December 2013. See http://www.eurofiling.info/201312/index.shtml
5. AOB.
Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling coordinator)
Ignacio Santos (Bank of Spain, ES)
Joel Vicente (CoreFiling, UK)
Maria Frantzi (EIOPA)
Masatomo Goto (Fujitsu, UK)
Andreas Weller (EBA)